Secure Mobile Access 12.4 Administration Guide

Configuring Password Policy

The SMA1000 12.4.3 provides strong password complexity settings for the primary administrator account.


  • SMA/CMS running 12.4.3 firmware version.

To configure the password policy for the primary administrator account

  1. In AMC, navigate to System Configuration > General Settings.

  2. In the Administrators area, click Edit for the Administrator accounts.

  3. Click the Authentication tab.

  4. Go to Advanced > Password Policy section.

  5. Enter the minimum number of characters allowed for passwords. The minimum can be eight.

  6. Select the password policy criteria options.

    Option Description
    Lowercase To specify that user passwords must contain at least one lowercase character
    Uppercase To specify that user passwords must contain at least one uppercase character.
    Numeric digits (0-9) To specify that user passwords must contain at least one number (0-9).
    Symbols To specify that user passwords must contain at least one symbolic character ( ~`!@#$%^&*()_-+={}[]|\:;"'<,>.?/ ).
  7. Specify the positions to prevent changing your new password to be similar to older password in the Changed password must be different in at least field. For example, to prevent from changing the password from mypass1 to mypass2.

  8. Click Save.

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