Secure Mobile Access 12.4 Administration Guide

Adding WorkPlace Sites

AMC includes a preconfigured default WorkPlace site. You can create additional WorkPlace sites as needed; this section describes how to do so.

You can make WorkPlace look different, on a per-community basis, if you set up different styles and layouts. For more information, see Modifying the Appearance of WorkPlace. For information about configuring WorkPlace sites for small form factor devices, see WorkPlace and Small Form Factor Devices.

The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for the WorkPlace site can include one of the following:

  • A host within the same domain name as the SMA appliance.

  • A custom FQDN. This option can use a wildcard SSL certificate when its IP address is the same as another WorkPlace site that uses the wildcard certificate, or you can use a separate SSL certificate for the site. Before creating the site, you must obtain the certificate. For more information, see Certificates.

In either case, you must communicate the external FQDN to users so they know how to access WorkPlace. You must also add this FQDN to your public DNS.

To add a WorkPlace site

  1. In the AMC, navigate to User Access > WorkPlace.

  2. Click the WorkPlace Sites tab.

  3. Click the + (New) icon.

    The Configure WorkPlace Site page displays.

  4. In the Name field, type a unique name for the WorkPlace site.

  5. (Optional) In the Description field, type a descriptive comment about the WorkPlace site.

  6. Type the IPv4 or IPv6. By default, AMC listens on all interfaces for all services and connects the request to the correct service based on the FQDN being requested.

  7. (Migrated/imported configurations only) An additional listening address can be specified if AMC was upgraded from a previous version where a virtual IP address is configured for the WorkPlace site or the CEM is used.

    For migrated/imported configurations with existing virtual hosts, the UI section is visible, but the Administrator cannot create new virtual addresses. If necessary, use CEM to create virtual host addresses in a new or migrated/imported configuration.

    If the host name or IP address on the certificate does not match the Custom FQDN or IP address that you specified for this site, a security warning is displayed when users access the site.

  8. Select a style—which includes the logo, color scheme, and text—for the WorkPlace login page. The style and layout for other WorkPlace portal pages is specified during community configuration; see Modifying the Appearance of WorkPlace for information on modifying or creating a style.
  9. Click Next to open the Advanced page.

  10. In the Realm area, select one of these options:

    • Log in using this realm: Users are not prompted to select a realm, and only members of the specified realm can access the WorkPlace site.

    • Prompt user for realm: Offer users a list of realms from which to choose. You can offer them all configured realms, or clear the All realms selection and choose the ones that should be in the list. Any authorized user can access the WorkPlace site after selecting a realm during login.

  11. In the Start page area, select Display this page after authentication if you want users to bypass the default WorkPlace home page after authentication. For example, if you have someone who will submit content using a Web-based content management system, this setting allows you to present the writer with the CMS interface immediately after he or she logs in.

    This setting is available only if the realm specified in the Realm area offers translated, custom port mapped, or custom FQDN mapped Web access exclusively. The URL you enter in this text box will be automatically prefixed with http://. If this is a URL for a secure site, you must include the https:// protocol identifier.

    If you specify an alternate page for users and they bypass the default WorkPlace portal, the user's session is valid as long as the browser window is open, or until the session times out. Unlike the WorkPlace portal, the alternate page will not include a Log out option.

  12. Click Finish to save your WorkPlace site settings.

You can enter a URL alias in the Start page area (if you don’t want users to see the complete URL in WorkPlace), provided that you create a URL resource for it. For example, if you define a URL resource as with an alias of intranet, you can specify the start page for WorkPlace here simply with intranet (or a more specific path, such as intranet/some/path). When users authenticate, they are redirected to https://<appliance>/intranet or https://<appliance>/intranet/some/path.