Wireless Network Manager Administration Guide

Table of Contents

Managing Access Points

Access Point Devices are part of your Network Hierarchy host the Client Devices (the phones and computers that communicate through them).

Access Points provides configuration and management information about access points. When you initially log on to Wireless Network Manager, all the SonicWave access points registered under your MySonicWall account are listed as inventory on this screen.

There is a filter icon on the left which lets you choose the devices to be displayed.

The middle panel shows the Network structure with the Status summary of each of the access points:

  • With the AP managed, you will have options as Online, Offline, and Unmanaged.
  • License information
  • Model information

The SSL-VPN column in the bottom chart shows a colored S to show whether SSL VPN is enabled or not for that device. If the S is:

  • Green - The SSL VPN is connected.
  • Red - The SSL VPN is disconnected.
  • Gray - The SSL VPN is disabled.

If your firmware needs upgrading, a blue icon is diplayed on left of the AP name. Hover over the hover the icon and it shows as New product firmware available.

By hovering over the Licensed column, you can view the License Type of each device.

The different types of licenses include:

  • Annual License

    • Basic

    • Advanced

    • CATP Only

    • CAV Only

    • CFS Only

  • Monthly License

    • AP - Essentail/Advanced

    • Switch- Essential

The License Type does not depend on the renewal date.

The Configuration options for each access point in your network are made available by hovering along the right of the screen. For more information refer to Managing the Configuration of Access Points
