Wireless Network Manager Administration Guide

Table of Contents

Sign-on with SAML Authentication

When creating IDP application on SAML provider, following SSO URL and SP Entity ID needs to be provided.

Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL): https://auth.mysonicwave.com/lhmapi/saml/?acs

Identifier (Entity ID): https://auth.mysonicwave.com/lhmapi/saml/metadata/

To use SAML authentication for sign-on

  1. Navigate to Policies > SSID Policies.
  2. Click on the SSID Policy.
  3. Hover over right section of the line of the SSID you want to configure. When the icons appear, click the Edit (pencil) icon. The Edit SSID page displays.
  4. Click the Guest Portal tab.
  5. From Sign On with dropdown, select SAML. Input the URL in Server ID and Authentication Service. Choose the certificate from the list.

  6. From USER SESSION, enter Idle Timeout (in seconds) and Session Life time (in minutes).
  7. You can choose to redirect the users to a URL you were trying to access or to a custom URL.