Wireless Network Manager Administration Guide
- Wireless Network Manager
- Getting Started with Wireless Network Manager
- Overview
- Using Air Marshal
- Managing Your Network
- Managing Policies
- Policy Hierarchy
- Select an AP Policy
- Select a Switch Policy
- General
- System
- Spanning Tree Protocol
- Link Layer Discovery Protocol
- Voice VLAN
- Quality of Service (QoS)
- Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) Snooping
- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Snooping
- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Relay
- Loopback Detection
- Jumbo Frames
- Multicast Filtering
- 802.1X
- Static Route IPV4
- DoS
- Radius Server
- Mirror Settings
- Address Resolution Protocol
- Static MAC Address Table
- Ports
- Port Policy
- Link Aggregation
- Select an SSID
- Select a Security Policy
- AP Policies
- Using Tags to Manage Access Points and SSIDs
- QoS Policies
- Wi-Fi Multimeda (WMM) Profiles
- Managing Switch Policies
- Managing Switch Port Policies
- Security Policies
- Managing SNMP Policies
- Managing Switch SNMP Policies
- Policy Hierarchy
- Objects
- Admin
- SonicWall Support
The Dashboard provides a global map that displays all of your wireless deployment sites around the world.
- The deployment details regarding the total number of devices and total traffic appear when you hover over each access point location on the map.
The time slider tool at the top of the screen, can be used to adjust the time period displayed.
You can select any of the following:
- Last Day: The events that have taken place within the previous 24 hours
- Last Week: The events that have taken place within the previous 7 days
- Last 30 Days: The events that have taken place within the previous 30 days
The three tabs display different options further down on the page. By default the All tab is selected (as shown in the screen above) in the top half of the screen that also displays the options down - Alert Centre and Threat Centre.
If you select the tab Access Points, the screen displays the AP statistics for the access points on-line, off-line, unmanaged, and with expired licenses. When you select this tab, the options down displayed are Alert Centre, Threat Centre, Access Points, Clients, SSIDs, Zones, and Fingerprints.
If you select the tab Switches, the screen displays the statistics for the switches in use - online, off-line, unmanaged, and expired. The options displayed down are Alert Centre, Threat Centre, Switches, Traffic of Ports, PoE of Switches, and PoE of Switch Ports.
More information on these tabs are further explained below.
Alert Center is the first of seven bars across the middle of the screen that can be clicked to display the traffic data summaries and visual overviews. When the main screen first comes up, Alert Center is active. Clicking the Alert Center bar lists the most recent alerts.
The columns display Time, Priority, Device Name, Type (type of the threat), Sub Type (picked up by which type of security policy), and Source (the source access point).
The Threat Center bar shows the same screen but with the most recent threats in the bottom panel. The columns display Time, Priority, Device Name, Type (type of the threat), Sub Type (picked up by which type of security policy), and Source (the source access point).
When the Access Points bar is clicked, it lists the top access points by traffic. The top panel still displays the overview of your network and the access point status.
- The Clients bar lists the top client devices by traffic.
- The SSIDs bar lists the top SSIDs by traffic.
- The Zones bar lists the top zones by traffic.
- The Fingerprints bar lists the client devices in your hierarchy with the operating system each one is using. In real time, it detects the connection of all client devices to your access points, and monitors their activity to display the top fingerprints by traffic.
- The Switches bar lists the traffic utilization percentage on switch interfaces.
- The Traffic of Ports bar lists the traffic history of the switch.
- The PoE of Switches lists the power draw details.
- The PoE of Switch Ports lists the PoE history of switch.
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