Secure Mobile Access 100 10.2 NetExtender Feature Guide

IP Address User Segmentation

Administrators can configure separate NetExtender IP address ranges for users and groups. These settings are configured on the Users > Local users and Users > Local groups pages. A NetExtender tab has been added to the Edit User and Edit Group windows.

When configuring multiple user and group NetExtender IP address ranges, it is important to know how the SMA appliance assigns IP addresses. When assigning an IP address to a NetExtender client, the SMA appliance uses the following hierarchy of ranges:

  • An IP address from the range defined in the user’s local profile.
  • An IP addRess from the range defined in the group profile to which the user belongs.
  • An IP address from the global NetExtender range.

To reserve a single IP address for an individual user, enter the same IP address in both the Client Address Range Begin and Client Address Range End fields on the NetExtender tab of the Edit Group window.

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