Secure Mobile Access 100 10.2 NetExtender Feature Guide

Table of Contents

Configuring Certificate Settings

The Certificate tab allows you to manage the certificate on the NetExtender properties page.

To manage the certificate option

  1. Navigate to More > Properties to view the Certificate page and then click the Certificate tab to view the list of client certificate that the user installed in the NetExtender.

To add a new certificate

  1. Navigate to More > Properties to view the Certificate page and then click the + button.

  2. Click Choose Certificate under the Import certificate file dialog box. if the certificate is password protected, enter the password in the Password field.

  3. Click Accept to save the certificate only if the certificate is valid and the password is correct, and the certificate displays on the Certificate page.

To delete the certificate option

  1. Navigate to More > Properties to view the Certificate page and then click the Certificate tab to view the list of client certificates.

  2. Choose the certificate to delete from the list, then click the - button.

    NetExtender shows a pop-up alert to confirm the deletion.

  3. Click OK to delete the certificate.

    If the certificate is a smart card provided, the user cannot delete the certificate.