SonicOS 7.1 Objects

Attack Protection

From the Attack Protection, you can guard the network against remote host attacks, smurf attacks, and a Layer 4 Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.

To configure the Attack Protection of the DoS Action Profile

  1. Navigate to OBJECT | Action Profiles > DoS Action Profile.
  2. Do one of the following:

    • Add a new DoS Action Profile.

      1. Click the Add icon.
      2. Enter a friendly DoS Rule Action Name.
    • Edit an existing DoS Action Profile.

      Hover over an existing DoS Action Profile and click the Edit icon.

  3. Click the Attack Protection tab.

  4. Enable the Attack Protection options.

    Spank Protection To guard against remote host attacks responding to TCP packets that have come from a multicast IP addresses. Attackers exploit this vulnerability by conducting a spank denial of service attack. This results in the host being shut down or the network traffic reaching saturation. Also, this vulnerability can be used by an attacker to conduct stealth port scans against the host.
    Smurf Protection To guard against attacks where LAN Clients are being used as part of an Amplifier network.
    Land Attack Protection To protect against a Layer 4 Denial of Service (DoS) attack where the attacker resets the source and destination information of a TCP segment to be the same. A vulnerable machine crashes or freezes because the packet is being repeatedly processed by the TCP stack.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Cancel to go back to the DoS Action Profile page or proceed with other configurations.

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