SonicOS 7.0 Security Services Administration Guide

About App Control Global Settings

App Control Status

The POLICY | Rules and Policies > App Control page contains the following global settings:

  • Enable App Control – Application control is a licensed service and you must enable it to activate the functionality. It must also be enabled on a per-zone basis from the OBJECT | Match Objects > Zones page.
  • Enable Logging For All Apps – If enabled, App Control and App Rules policy matches and actions are logged.
  • Enable Filename Logging – If enabled, the administrator is notified of each filename and URIs of interest, that App Control has explicitly identified as it processes packets or flows. The notification uses the Log mechanism where the output can be shown in several message formats including:
    • SonicOS Event Logs on the MONITOR | Logs > System Logs page.
    • Syslog Viewer on the DEVICE | Log > Syslog page.

For more information about Filename Logging, see the SonicOS Log Administration Guide.

  • Global Log Redundancy Filter Interval – The interval, in seconds, during which multiple occurrences of the same policy match are not repetitively logged. The range is 0 to 99999 seconds, and the default is 60 seconds.

    Global log redundancy settings apply to all application control events. If set to zero, a log entry is created for each policy match found in passing traffic. Other values specify the minimum number of seconds between log entries for multiple matches to the same policy. For example, a log redundancy setting of 10 will log no more than one message every 10 seconds for each policy match. Log redundancy can also be set:

    • on a per-policy basis in the Edit App Control Policy dialog.
    • on a per-category basis in the Edit App Control Category dialog.
    • on a per-application basis in the Edit App Control App dialog.

    Each configuration dialog has its own log redundancy filter setting that can override the global log redundancy filter setting.

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