Switch CLI Reference Guide

Quality of Service Commands

Command Objective

This command sets the storm control rate for broadcast, unknown-multicast and DLF packets.

The no form of the command sets storm control rate for broadcast, unknown-multicast and DLF packets to the default value.


storm-control { broadcast | unknown-multicast | dlf } level


no storm-control { broadcast | unknown-multicast | dlf } level

Parameter Description
  • broadcast - Broadcast packets.

  • unknown-multicast - Unknown multicast packets.

  • dlf - Unknown unicast packets.

  • level - Storm-control suppression level as a total number of packets per second.

Mode Interface Configuration Mode
Command Objective

This command enables the rate limiting on an interface. The no form of the command disables the rate limiting.


rate-limit { output | input } [<integer(1-80000000)>] no rate-limit { output | input }

Parameter Description
  • output - egress limitation.

  • input - ingress limitation.

  • <integer(16-10000000)> - Line rate in kbps.

Mode Interface Configuration Mode
Command Objective

This command enables or disables the QoS subsystem.


qos {enable | disable}

Parameter Description
  • enable - Enables QoS subsystem

  • disable - Disables Qos subsystem

Mode Global Configuration Mode
qos trust
Command Objective

This command sets qos trust mode.


qos trust {cos | dscp | cos-dscp}

Parameter Description
  • cos - trust cos.

  • dscp - trust dscp.

  • cos-dscp - trust cos, if cos not set, trust dscp.

Mode Global Configuration Mode
Command Objective

This command sets the type of the incoming priority mapping to queue.

The no form of the command sets default value.


priority-map in-priority-type { vlanPri | ipDscp } <integer(0-63)> [<integer(0-63)>] [<integer(0-63)>] [<integer(0-63)>] [<integer(0-63)>] [<integer(0-63)>] [<integer(0-63)>] [<integer(0-63)>] to <integer(1-8)>

Parameter Description
  • vlanPri - Vlan priority.

  • ipDscp - DSCP.

  • <integer(0-63)> - Priority value. (0-7) for vlanPri, (0-63) for ipDscp.

  • integer(1-8) - Queue id.

Mode Global Configuration Mode
Command Objective

This command creates a Scheduler and configures the Scheduler parameters.


scheduler sched-algo {strict-priority | {wrr [weight <integer(0- 128)> <integer(0-128)> <integer(0-128)> <integer(0-128)>

<integer(0-128)> <integer(0-128)> <integer(0-128)> <integer(0- 128)>]}}

Parameter Description
  • strict-priority - strict Priority.

  • wrr - weighted Round Robin.

  • weight <integer(0-128)> <integer(0-128)> <integer(0-128)><integer(0-128)> <integer(0-128)> <integer(0-128)><integer(0-128)> <integer(0-128)> – weight of wrr from queue 1 to queue 8.

Mode Global Configuration Mode
Command Objective

This command creates a qos policy.

The no form of the command deletes a qos policy.


class-policy <string(23)>

no class-policy <string(23)>

Parameter Description
  • <string(23)> - Name of qos policy.

Mode Global Configuration Mode
qos interface
Command Objective

This command sets the default ingress user priority for the port.


qos interface <iftype> <ifnum> def-user-priority <integer(0-7)>

Parameter Description
  • iftype - Interface type.

  • ifnum - Interface number.

  • def-user-priority - Default ingress user priority for the port.

Mode Global Configuration Mode
match policy – tcp/udp
Command Objective

This command specifies the TCP/UDP packets to be forwarded based on the associated parameters.


match policy { any | host <mac_addr> } { any | host

<mac_addr> } [ ethertype <integer (1-65535)> ] [ vlan <short (1- 4094)>] [ vlan-priority <short (0-7)>] { tcp | udp } {any | host

<ip_addr>| <ip_addr> <ip_mask> } [eq <short (1-65535)>] { any | host <ip_addr> | <ip_addr> <ip_mask> } [eq <short (1-65535)>] [dscp <integer (0-63)>] [action { tos <short(0-7)> | dscp <short (0-63)>}]

Parameter Description
  • any | host <mac_addr> - Source MAC address to be matched with the packet

  • any | host <mac_addr> - Destination MAC address to be matched with the packet

  • ethertype <integer (1-65535)> - Specifies the non-IP protocol type to be filtered.

  • vlan <short (1-4094)> - VLAN value to match against incoming packets.

  • vlan-priority <short (0-7)> - VLAN priority value to match against incoming packets.

  • tcp - Transport Control Protocol.

  • udp - User Datagram Protocol.

    • any | host <ip_addr>| <ip_addr> <ip_mask> - Source IP address can be

    • ‘any’ or

    • the dotted decimal address or

  • the IP Address of the network or the host that the packet is from and the network mask to use with the source address.

  • eq <short (1-65535)> - Port Number.

  • any | host <ip_addr> | <ip_addr> <ip_mask> - Destination IP address can be

    • ‘any’ or

    • the dotted decimal address or

    • the IP Address of the network or the host that the packet is destined for and the network mask to use with the destination address.

  • dscp <short (0-63)> - Differentiated services code point provides the quality of service control.

  • tos <short(0-7)> - set tos to value.

  • dscp <short (0-63)> - set dscp to value.

Mode Policy Map Configuration Mode
match policy – icmp
Command Objective

This command specifies the ICMP packets to be forwarded based on the associated parameters.


match policy { any | host <mac_addr> } { any | host

<mac_addr> } [ ethertype <integer (1-65535)> ] [ vlan <short (1- 4094)>] [ vlan-priority <short (0-7)>] icmp {any | host

<ip_addr>| <ip_addr> <ip_mask> } { any | host <ip_addr> |

<ip_addr> <ip_mask> } [type <short(0-255)>] [code <short(0- 255)>] [dscp <integer (0-63)>] [action { vpt <short(0-7)> | dscp

<short (0-63)>}]

Parameter Description
  • any | host <mac_addr> - Source MAC address to be matched with the packet

  • any | host <mac_addr> - Destination MAC address to be matched with the packet

  • ethertype <integer (1-65535)> - Specifies the non-IP protocol type to be filtered.

  • vlan <short (1-4094)> - VLAN value to match against incoming packets.

  • vlan-priority <short (0-7)> - VLAN priority value to match against incoming packets.

  • any | host <ip_addr>| <ip_addr> <ip_mask> - Source IP address can be

    • ‘any’ or

    • the dotted decimal address or

    • the IP Address of the network or the host that the packet is from and the network mask to use with the source address.

  • eq <short (1-65535)> - Port Number.

  • any | host <ip_addr> | <ip_addr> <ip_mask> - Destination IP address can be

    • ‘any’ or

    • the dotted decimal address or

    • the IP Address of the network or the host that the packet is destined for and the network mask to use with the destination address.

  • type <short (0-255)> - message type

  • code <short (0-255)> - message code

  • dscp <short (0-63)> - Differentiated services code point provides the quality of service control.

  • tos <short(0-7)> - set tos to value.

  • dscp <short (0-63)> - set dscp to value.

Mode Policy Map Configuration Mode
match policy - ip/ospf/pim/protocol type
Command Objective

This command specifies the ip/ospf/pim/protocol type packets to be forwarded based on the associated parameters.


match policy { any | host <mac_addr> } { any | host

<mac_addr> } [ ethertype <integer (1-65535)> ] [ vlan <short (1- 4094)>] [ vlan-priority <short (0-7)>] { ip | ospf | pim | <short (1-255)>} {any | host <ip_addr>| <ip_addr> <ip_mask> } { any | host <ip_addr> | <ip_addr> <ip_mask> } [dscp <integer (0-63)>] [action { vpt <short(0-7)> | dscp <short (0-63)>}]

Parameter Description
  • any | host <mac_addr> - Source MAC address to be matched with the packet

  • any | host <mac_addr> - Destination MAC address to be matched with the packet

  • ethertype <integer (1-65535)> - Specifies the non-IP protocol type to be filtered.

  • vlan <short (1-4094)> - VLAN value to match against incoming packets.

  • vlan-priority <short (0-7)> - VLAN priority value to match against incoming packets.

  • any | host <ip_addr>| <ip_addr> <ip_mask> - Source IP address can be

    • ‘any’ or

    • the dotted decimal address or

    • the IP Address of the network or the host that the packet is from and the network mask to use with the source address.

  • any | host <ip_addr> | <ip_addr> <ip_mask> - Destination IP address can be

    • ‘any’ or

    • the dotted decimal address or

    • the IP Address of the network or the host that the packet is destined for and the network mask to use with the destination address.

  • dscp <short (0-63)> - Differentiated services code point provides the quality of service control.

  • tos <short(0-7)> - set tos to value.

  • dscp <short (0-63)> - set dscp to value.

Mode Policy Map Configuration Mode
no class-policy
Command Objective

This command deletes the class-policy.


No class-policy <string(31)>

Parameter Description
  • <string(31)> - Name of qos policy.

Mode Global Configuration Mode
show qos global info
Command Objective

This command displays QoS related global configurations.


show qos global info

Mode Privileged EXEC Mode
show priority-map
Command Objective

This command displays the priority mapping to queue.


show priority-map in-priority-type { vlanPri | ipDscp }

Parameter Description
  • vlanPri- Vlan priority.

  • ipDSCP - IP DSCP.

Mode Privileged EXEC Mode
show class-policy
Command Objective

This command displays the qos policy.


show class-policy [{<string(23)> | interface [<iftype> <ifnum>]}]

Parameter Description
  • <string(31)> - Name of qos policy.

  • iftype - Interface type.

  • ifnum - Interface number.

Mode Privileged EXEC Mode
show scheduler
Command Objective

This command displays the configured Scheduler.


show scheduler

Mode Privileged EXEC Mode
show qos def-user-priority
Command Objective

This command displays the configured default ingress user priority for a port.


show qos def-user-priority [interface <iftype> <ifnum>]

Parameter Description
  • iftype - Interface type.

  • ifnum - Interface number.

Mode Privileged EXEC Mode
qos trust
Command Objective

This command enable/disable qos trust on port.


qos trust {enable | disable}

Parameter Description
  • enable - enable qos trust on port.

  • disable - disable qos trust on port.

Mode Interface Configuration Mode

Command Objective

This command enables qos policy on the interface.

The no form of this command removes qos policy from the interface.


service-policy <string(31)> in

no service-policy <string(31)>

Parameter Description
  • <string(31)> - Name of qos policy.

Mode Interface Configuration Mode

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