Switch CLI Reference Guide

Remote Network Monitoring (RMON) Commands

set rmon
Command Objective

This command is used to enable or disable the RMON feature.


set rmon {enable | disable}

Parameter Description
  • enable - Enables the RMON feature in the system. On enabling, the RMON starts monitoring the networks both local and remote and provides network fault diagnosis

  • disable - Disables the RMON feature in the system. On disabling, the RMON’s network monitoring is called off.

Mode Global Configuration Mode
rmon alarm
Command Objective

This command sets an alarm on a MIB object. The Alarm group periodically takes statistical samples from variables in the probe and compares them to thresholds that have been configured.


rmon alarm <short (1-65535)> stats <short (1-65535)>

{etherStatsDropEvents | etherStatsOctets | etherStatsPkts |etherStatsBroadcastPkts | etherStatsMulticastPkts | etherStatsCRCAlignErrors | etherStatsUndersizePkts | etherStatsOversizePkts |etherStatsFragments |etherStatsJabbers |etherStatsCollisions |etherStatsPkts64Octets |etherStatsPkts65to127Octets |etherStatsPkts128to255Octets |etherStatsPkts256to511Octets |etherStatsPkts512to1023Octets| etherStatsPkts1024to1518Octets

} <short (1-65535)> { absolute

| delta } rising-threshold

<integer (0-2147483647)>

[<integer (1- 65535)>]

falling-threshold <integer

(0-2147483647)> [<integer (1-65535)>] [owner <string (127)>] no rmon alarm <number(1-65535)>

Parameter Description
  • <alarm-number>/ <number (1-65535)> - Displays the value of the statistic during the last sampling period. This value remains available until the current sampling period is completed. For example, if the sample type is deltaValue, this value will be the difference between the samples at the beginning and end of the period. If the sample type is absoluteValue, this value will be the sampled value at the end of the period. This value is compared with the rising and falling thresholds. The value ranges between 1 and 65535.
  • <mib-object-id (255)> - Identifies the mib object.
  • <sample-interval-time (1-65535)> - Identifies an entry in the alarm table. Each such entry defines a diagnostic sample at a particular level for a MIB object in the device. This value ranges between 1 and 65535 seconds.
  • absolute - Compares the value of the selected variable with the thresholds at the end of the sampling interval.
  • delta- Subtracts the value of the selected variable at the last sample from the current value, and the difference is compared with the thresholds at the end of the sampling interval.
  • rising-threshold <value (0-2147483647)> - Configures the rising threshold value. If the startup alarm is set as Rising alarm or RisingOrFalling alarm and if the configured threshold value is reached, then an alarm is raised. When the current sampled value is greater than or equal to the configured Rising threshold, and the value at the last sampling interval is less than this configured threshold, a single event will be generated. The value ranges between 0 and 2147483647.
  • falling-threshold <value (0-2147483647)> - Configures the falling threshold value. If the startup alarm is set as Falling alarm or RisingOrFalling alarm and if the configured threshold value is reached, then an alarm is raised. When the current sampled value is lesser than or equal to the configured Falling threshold, and the value at the last sampling interval is greater than this threshold, a single event will be generated. This value ranges between 0 and 2147483647.
  • <falling-event-number (1-65535)> - Raises the index of the event when the Falling threshold is reached. The event entry identified by a particular value of this index is the same as identified by the same value of the event index object. This value ranges between 1 and 65535.
  • owner<ownername (127)> - Sets the entity that are configured this entry.
Mode Global Configuration Mode
rmon event
Command Objective

This command adds an event to the RMON event table. The added event is associated with an RMON event number.


rmon event <number (1-65535)> [description <event-description (127)>] [log] [owner <ownername (127)>] [trap <community (127)>]

no rmon event <number (1-65535)>

Parameter Description
  • <number (1-65535)> - Sets the number of events to be added in the event table. This value ranges between 1 and 65535.

  • description<event-description (127)> - Provides a description for the event. This value is a string with a maximum length of 127.

  • log- Creates an entry in the log table for each event.

  • owner<ownername (127)> - Displays the entity that are configured this entry. This value is a string with a maximum value of 127.

  • trap<community (127)> - Generates a trap, The SNMP community string is to be passed for the specified trap. This value is a string with a maximum value of 127.

Mode Global Configuration Mode
rmon collection stats
Command Objective

This command enables RMON statistic collection on the interface/ VLAN.

The no form of the command disables RMON statistic collection on the interface/ VLAN.


rmon collection stats <index (1-65535)> [owner <ownername (127)>]

no rmon collection stats <index (1-65535)>

Parameter Description
  • <index (1-65535)> - Identifies an entryin the statistics table.. This value ranges between 1 and 65535.

  • owner <ownername (127)> - Configures the the name of the owner of the RMON group of statistics.

Mode Interface Configuration Mode / Config VLAN Mode
mon collection history
Command Objective

This command enables history collection of interface/ VLAN statistics in the buckets for the specified time interval.

The no form of the command disables the history collection on the interface/VLAN.


rmon collection history <index (1-65535)> [buckets <bucket- number (1-65535)>] [interval <seconds (1-3600)>] [owner <ownername (127)>]

no rmon collection history <index (1-65535)>

Parameter Description
  • <index (1-65535)> - Identifies an entry in the history control table. Each such entry defines a set of samples at a particular interval for an interface on the device. This value ranges between 1 and 65535.

  • buckets<bucket-number (1-65535)> - Configures the number of buckets desired for the RMON collection history group of statistics. This is the requested number of discrete time intervals over which data is to be saved in the part of the media-specific table associated with this History Control EntryThe polling cycle is the bucket interval where the interface statistics details are stored. This value ranges between 1 and 65535.

  • interval<seconds (1-3600)> - Configures the time interval over which the data is sampled for each bucket. The value ranges between 1 and 3600.

  • owner<ownername (127)> - Configures the name of the owner of the RMON group of statistics.

Mode Interface Configuration Mode / Config VLAN Mode
show rmon
Command Objective

This command displays the RMON statistics, alarms, events, and history configured on the interface.


show rmon [statistics [<stats-index (1-65535)>]] [alarms] [events] [history [history-index (1-65535)] [overview]]

Parameter Description
  • statistics - Displays a collection of statistics for a particular Ethernet Interface. The probe for each monitored interface on this device measures the statistics.

  • alarms - Displays the value of the statistic during the last sampling period. This value remains available until the current sampling period is completed.

  • events - Generates events whenever an associated condition takes place in the device. The Conditions may be alarms. Alarms are generated when a sampled statistical variable value exceeds the defined threshold value. Alarm module calls events module.

  • history - Displays the history of the configured RMON.

  • overview - Displays only the overview of rmon history entries.

Mode Privileged EXEC Mode