Switch CLI Reference Guide
- Introduction
- System Commands
- ACL Commands
- Domain Name Server (DNS) Commands
- Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) Commands
- Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) Commands
- IP Commands
- Link Aggregation Commands
- Loopback Detection Commands
- Link Layer Discovery Protocol Commands
- Monitor (Mirror) Commands
- Port-Based Network Access Control Commands
- Power Over Ethernet Commands
- Quality of Service Commands
- RADIUS Commands
- Remote Network Monitoring (RMON) Commands
- Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Commands
- Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) Commands
- Spanning Tree Commands
- Secure Shell Commands
- Syslog Commands
- VLAN Commands
- Voice VLAN Commands
- SonicWall Support
CLI Command Modes
The following table format lists the different CLI command modes. Depending on the CLI mode, the prompt will be specific.
Command Mode | Access Method | Prompt |
Privileged EXEC | This is the initial mode to start a session | <Switch Name># |
Global Configuration | The EXEC mode command configure terminal is used to enter the Global Configuration mode. | <Switch Name> (config)# |
Interface Configuration | The Global Configuration mode command interface <interfacetype><interfaceid> is used to enter the Interface configuration mode. | <Switch Name> (config-if)# |
Interface Range Mode |
The Global Configuration mode command interface range ({ <interfacetype><slot/port- port>} {vlan <vlan-id(1- 4094)>- <vlan-id(2-4094)>}) is used to enter the Interface range mode. |
<Switch Name> (config-if-range)# |
SNTP Configuration | The SNTP Configuration mode command sntp is used to enter the SNTP configuration mode. | <Switch Name> (config-sntp)# |
Config-VLAN |
The Global configuration mode command vlan vlan-id is used to enter the Config-VLAN mode. |
<Switch Name> (config-vlan)# |
Line Configuration | The Line Configuration mode command line cli is used to enter the Line configuration mode. | <Switch Name> (config-line)# |
IPV4 ACL Extended Access List Configuration | The IPV4 ACL Extended Access List configuration mode command ip access-list extended <name> is used to enter the IPV4 ACL Extended Access List configuration mode. | <Switch Name> (config-ext-nacl)# |
MAC ACL Extended Access List Configuration | The MAC ACL Extended Access List configuration mode command mac access-list extended <name> is used to enter the MAC ACL Extended Access List configuration mode. | <Switch Name> (config-ext-macl)# |
Policy Map Configuration Mode | The Policy Map configuration mode command class-policy <name> is used to enter the Policy Map configuration mode. | <Switch Name> (config-qc-ply)# |
MSTP Configuration Mode | The MSTP Configuration mode command spanning-tree mst configuration is used to enter the MSTP configuration mode. | <Switch Name> (config-mst)# |
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