SonicWave 600 Series Deployment Guide

Configuring the WLAN Zone

To configure the WLAN zone in SonicOS

  1. Navigate to OBJECT > Match Objects > Zones, click the Edit icon in the WLAN row.

  2. On the General screen, select the Allow Interface Trust option to automate the creation of Access Rules to allow traffic to flow between the interfaces within the zone, regardless of the interfaces to which the zone is applied.

    For example, if the WLAN zone has both the X2 and X3 interfaces assigned to it, selecting Allow Interface Trust creates the necessary access rules to allow hosts on these interfaces to communicate with each other.

  3. Select the check boxes to enable security services on this zone. Minimally, you would select Enable Gateway Anti-Virus Service, Enable IPS, and Enable Anti-Spyware Service. If your wireless clients are all running SonicWall Client Anti-Virus, select Enable Client AV Enforcement Service.

  4. In the Guest Services screen, optionally configure guest Internet access. For information about Guest Services, see the SonicOS Objects Administration Guide.

  5. In the Wireless screen under SonicPoint/SonicWave Settings, select the desired provisioning profile from the SonicWave Provisioning Profile drop-down menu. If you added a new profile in Configuring the SonicWave Provisioning Profile, select it here.


    • The Only allow traffic generated by a Sonicpoint/Sonicwave option must be disabled to allow the sonic wave traffic to pass through the switch.
    • Select Prefer SonicPoint/SonicWave 2.4Hz Auto Channel Selection to be 1, 6 and 11 only if the preferred auto channel selection is 1, 6, or 11. In the event of environmental interference or co-channel interference, it is advisable to disable this option. Failure to do so may result in the access point switching between these three channels, potentially leading to client disconnection.