Create a Windows 10 Virtual Machine (VM) similar to the NSv on the AWS VPC, and configure the settings to send the Windows 10 VM's outbound traffic to the NSv LAN interface, instead of using the AWS routing infrastructure.
To deploy Windows 10 from the console, follow these steps
Log into the AWS GovCloud console.
Go to the AWS management console at
Log into the AWS management console.
From the Services menu select EC2.
Create a VPC
The virtual machine can be deployed on a new or existing VPC.
In the navigation pane, choose Your VPCs, Create VPC.
Under Resources to create, choose VPC and more.Refer to the AWS documentation on how to create a VPC at:
Follow these steps to launch the SonicWall NSv:
From the EC2 Dashboard select Launch Instance.
From the menu click AWS Marketplace and enter Windows 10
into the Search box.
Select the Instance Type and select c5.2xlarge.
For guidance, refer to Product Matrix and Requirements and Supported NSv Series Models on AWS.
Click Configure Instance Details.
From the Network drop-down menu select a VPC to deploy the virtual machine on.
Select the subnet that is to be the public or WAN interface (X1) of the virtual machine.
To add additional Elastic Network Interfaces click Add Device.
New row appears for ENI eth1.
Select the Subnet drop-down menu.
Accept the default storage options by clicking Add Storage.
Click Add tags. Add metadata to the instance configuration to assist in identifying the SonicWall NSv instance.
Click Configure Security Group. Leave the default settings, which allow SSH & RDP from any source IP, as VM has no public IP.
Click Review and Launch. Review the instance details.
Click Launch. You are prompted to select Create a new key pair and choose RSA as key type
Click Launch Instances to deploy the SonicWall NSv instance. Deployment takes few minutes. You can monitor the progress by viewing the instance in the EC2 Dashboard.
Change Routing Tables:
Change your LAN routing table to add a route with Destination0.0.0.0/0
with Target to Network Interface. This routes all your outbound traffic to the NSv X0 interface.