SonicOS 7.1 Users

Partition Selection Policies

This section displays only when authentication partitioning is enabled.

This section displays a table of policies affecting the selection of authentication partitions and allows you to create, delete, and edit the policies you create. These policies select the partitions in the Authentication Partitions table based on the physical locations of the users being authenticated. When authenticating users whose domain names are not available for matching against those in the selected partitions, the users’ partitions are selected base on their physical locations set by these policies. These selection policies are also used for auto-assigning authentication devices to partitions based on the physical locations of those devices.

The Default selection policy for the Default partition cannot be deleted.

Selection checkbox Allows you to select one or more entries in the table. Selecting the checkbox in the table heading selects all entries except that of the Default selection policy.
Priority Displays the priority of the assigned partition selection policy.
Zone Displays the zone assigned to the partition selection policy.
Interface Displays the interface assigned to the authentication partition selection policy.
Network Displays the network assigned to the authentication partition selection policy.
Partition Displays the authentication partition to which the selection policy applies.
Comment Displays any comment you entered when creating or editing the selection policy. The selection policy for the Default partition has the comment Auto-created default policy.
Configure Displays the Edit and Delete icons, which are dimmed for the default policy.
Add Policy Displays the Add Authentication Partition Policy pop-up dialog for adding a selection policy for an authentication partition or subpartition.
Delete Policy(s)

Deletes the selected policy or policies.

You cannot delete the policy for the Default partition. Delete is dimmed unless at least one policy has been selected.

There is always one selection policy in this table, the auto-created default policy for the Default partition. You cannot select this policy, delete it, change its priority, or edit it, except for choosing the partition to which it applies.

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