You can edit all partitions, including the Default partition.
To edit a partition
Navigate to Device > Users > Partitions.
In the Authentication Partitions table, click the Edit Partition icon in the Configuration column of the authentication partition you want to modify. The Edit authentication partition dialog displays.
You can change the partition’s name in the Partition Name field. The name can be 1 to 32 alphanumeric characters in length.
You can change a partition from a top-level partition to a subpartition or from a subpartition to a top-level partition by changing the Partition Type. Choose whether the authentication partition is now to be:
A top-level partition that has subpartitions cannot be changed to a subpartition unless you first delete the subpartitions, reallocate them to a different top-level partition, or make them top-level partitions.
A top-level partition
A sub-partition
The Parent partition menu displays.
Select a parent partition from the Parent partition drop-down menu. The default partition is Default.
To edit a domain:
Select a domain to edit by clicking on it.
Click Edit. The Edit domain dialog displays.
Change the domain name.
Click OK.
To delete a domain:
Select the domain you want to delete.
Click Remove.
To: add a domain
Under the Domain(s) list, click Add. The Add domain dialog displays.
Enter a domain name, which can be 1 to 32 alphanumeric characters in length.
Click OK.
Repeat the appropriate steps for each domain you want to add, edit, or delete.