SonicOS 7.1 Users

Non-User Traffic from the Terminal Server

Non-user connections are opened from the Terminal Server for Windows updates and anti-virus updates. The TSA can identify a connection from a logged-in service as being a non-user connection, and indicates this in the notification to the appliance.

To control handling of these non-user connections, an Allow Terminal Server non-user traffic to bypass user authentication in access rules checkbox is available in the TSA configuration on the appliance. When selected, these connections are allowed. If this checkbox is not selected, then the services are treated as local users and can be given access by selecting the Allow limited access for non-domain users setting and creating user accounts on the appliance with the corresponding service names.

Ping (ICMP) traffic from the TSA is recognized as non-user traffic, but not as system service traffic. Therefore, it is not allowed to bypass user authentication and is dropped after the Agent times out. To prevent ICMP traffic from being dropped, add an access rule in the Policies | Rules > Access Rule page to allow ICMP from the terminal server(s) without requiring user authentication. For further information about access rules, refer to SonicOS 7 Rules and Policies.

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