SonicOS 7.1 Upgrade Guide for the NSv Series

Performing a Model Upgrade on NSv AWS or NSv Azure

If your NSv AWS or NSv Azure does not already have the CPU and memory allocations in the vendor VM that are required for the new NSv model, use the following procedure for the Model Upgrade. If the CPU and memory are already adequate for the new NSv model, you can use the steps provided in Performing a Model Upgrade on a Single NSv.

To perform a model upgrade on NSv AWS or NSv Azure

  1. Log into your current NSv and navigate to DEVICE | Settings > Firmware and Settings.

  2. Click Import/Export Configuration and select Export Configuration to export your settings.

  3. Navigate to HOME | Dashboard > System > Device and write down the values shown in the Serial Number and Authentication Code fields.

  4. Navigate to DEVICE | Settings > Licenses and click DEREGISTER, then click OK in the confirmation dialog.

  5. In either Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure, deploy the same NSv model as you had before, but select a higher VM model from the vendor, with the CPU and memory capacity required for your desired higher NSv model. For information about VM models supported by these vendors, refer to the NSv Series Getting Started Guide for your platform.

  6. Log into your new NSv and register it using the same serial number and authentication code that you saved in Step 3.

  7. Navigate to DEVICE | Settings > Firmware and Settings and select Import Configuration to import your saved settings.

  8. To complete the Model Upgrade process, perform Step 2 through Step 9 of the procedure in Performing a Model Upgrade on a Single NSv.

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