You can import configuration settings from one NSv model to another on the same platform, which can save a lot of time when replacing or deploying a new NSv. This feature is also useful when you need multiple NSv virtual firewalls with similar configuration settings.
Before importing settings, you need a configuration file exported from an NSv whose settings you want. You can export configuration settings from an NSv to a file on your management computer at any time.
To export the configuration settings from an appliance running SonicOS 7, navigate to the DEVICE | Settings > Firmware and Settings page, click Import/Export Configuration and select Export Configuration. In the popup dialog, click Export to complete the process. Refer to Creating a System Backup and Exporting Your Settings for more information.
You can then import the settings file to another appliance by selecting Import Configuration from the Import/Export Configuration list.
You can also import settings from an NSv running SonicOS to an NSv on the same platform running SonicOS 7.