SonicOS 7.1 Device Settings

Adding Users

To add users

  1. Navigate to Device | Settings > SNMP.
  2. Click User/Group.
  3. Click Add Name.

  4. Enter the user name in the User Name field.
  5. Select a security level from Security Level:

    • None (default)
    • Authentication only – Two new options appear:
      • Authentication Method – Select one of these authentication methods: MD5 or SHA1.
      • Authentication Key – Enter an authentication key in the field. The key can be any string of 8 to 32 printable characters
    • Authentication and Privacy – More options appear:
      • Select an encryption method from the drop-down menu: AES or DES.

      • Enter the encryption key in the Privacy Key field. The key can be any string of 8 to 32 printable characters.

  6. Select a group from Group dropdown box.
  7. Click OK.The user is added to the User/Group table and added to the appropriate group.

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