SonicOS 7.1 Anti-Spam

Information Displayed in the Junk Box Messages Table

The Junk Box Messages table displays information and filtering possibilities for quarantined messages.

Information About Quarantined Messages
This column Contains or indicates
Checkbox icon Checkbox for each item in the table. Clicking the Checkbox icon in the heading selects all items in the table.
To Recipient’s email address.
Threat Type of threat the email poses; for more information about threat categories, see Email Threat Category Settings: Options in Configuring Email Threat Categories.
Paperclip icon Email has attachments.
From Sender’s email address.
Subject Subject line of the email.
Date Time Date and time the email was sent.

Use the buttons at the top of the Junk Box Messages table to perform the following Junk Store management tasks (see Junk Box Messages Table Buttons) on the POLICY | Anti-Spam > Junk Box Messages page:

Junk Box Messages Table Buttons
Button Function

Opens sorting and filtering features that can help narrow down Junk Box results using Column criteria

Delete Permanently delete the selected message(s) from the Junk Store; to delete all messages click the checkbox in the table heading
Send Copy To Keep the selected message(s) in the Junk Store and send a copy of it (them) to a user.
Refresh Refreshes all data.
Settings Opens the General and Action Settings located at Junk Box Settings.
Columns Click headings to add or subtract Column data.

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