SonicOS 7.1 Anti-Spam

Table of Contents

Listing Allowed Relay Domains

You can list all domains used for relay.

To list an authorized relay domain

  1. Navigate to POLICY | Anti-Spam > Relay Domains.
  2. Scroll to the Settings section.

  3. Select whether to restrict relay domains:

    • Any source IP address is allowed to connect to this path: Allows any domain to relay messages. Go to Step 5.

      Selecting this option may make a CASS open relay. Even if the mail is not destined to the recipient’s domain, the mail is relayed, which could result in spamming.

    • Any source IP address is allowed to connect to this path, but relaying is allowed only for emails sent to one of these domains: Allows only listed domains to relay messages.
  4. Enter the domain(s) allowed to relay messages in the field. Separate domains with a carriage return (<CR>).
  5. Click Accept.