Secure Mobile Access 100 10.2 User Guide

Table of Contents

Using NetExtender on Linux

To use NetExtender on a Linux computer

  1. After NetExtender is installed, there are two methods to launch it:

    • Click the NetExtender icon in the Applications menu, under either the Internet or Network category.
    • Enter the netExtenderGui command.
  2. The first time you connect, you must enter the SMA server name in the Server field. NetExtender remembers the server name.

  3. Enter your username and password.
  4. The first time you connect, you must enter the domain name. The domain name is case-sensitive. NetExtender remembers the domain name in the future.
  5. To view the NetExtender routes, select the Routes tab in the main NetExtender window.

  6. To view the NetExtender DNS server information, select the DNS tab in the main NetExtender window.

  7. To configure NetExtender Preferences, select NetExtender > Preferences.

  8. The following NetExtender settings can be configured:

    • Automatically reconnect when the connection is terminated
    • Uninstall NetExtender automatically when exiting the application
    • DNS server options:
      • Try remote DNS servers first, then try local DNS servers
      • Only use remote DNS servers
      • Only use local DNS servers
  9. The Advanced tab of the NetExtender Preferences window provides two additional options:

    • MTU – Sets the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size that is the largest packet size that a router can forward without needing to fragment the packet.
    • PPP Sync Mode – Specifies synchronous PPP. By default, this option is disabled and asynchronous PPP is used.

  10. To view the NetExtender Log, go to NetExtender > Log.

  11. To generate a diagnostic report with detailed information on NetExtender performance, go to Help > Generate diagnostic report.
  12. Click Save to save the diagnostic report using the default nxdiag.txt file name in your NetExtender directory.