SonicOS 7.1 SD-WAN

Adding SD-WAN SLA Probes

A SLA Probe is created automatically for an SD-WAN Group containing a VPN numbered tunnel interface/unnumbered tunnel interface. You do not need to create an additional SLA probe.

To add a SLA probe for non-VPN SD-WAN Groups

  1. Navigate to Network | SDWAN > SLA Probes.
  2. Click the Add icon.

    The Add SD-WAN SLA Probe dialog is displayed.

  3. Enter a meaningful name in the Name field.
  4. Select an SD-WAN group from SD-WAN Group drop-down menu.
  5. Select an address object from Probe Target.
  6. From Probe Type, select:
    • Ping (ICMP) - Explicit Route (default); go to Step 8.
    • TCP - Explicit Route; the Port field becomes available.
  7. Enter the port number of the explicit route in the Port field.
  8. Enter the interval between probes in the Probe hosts every field. The minimum is 1 second, the maximum is 3600 seconds, and the default is 3 seconds.

    The probe interval must be greater than the reply timeout.

  9. Enter the maximum delay for a response in the Reply time out … seconds field. The minimum is 1 second, the maximum is 60 seconds, and the default is 1 second.
  10. Enter the maximum number of missed intervals before the SLA probe is set to the DOWN state in the Probe state is set to DOWN after … missed intervals field. The minimum number is 1, the maximum is 100, and the default is 3.
  11. Enter the maximum number of successful intervals before the SLA probe is set to the UP state in the Probe state is set to UP after … successful intervals field. The minimum number is 1, the maximum is 100, and the default is 1.
  12. If you selected TCP - Explicit Route for Probe Type, the RST Response Counts As Miss option becomes available. Select the option to count RST responses as missed intervals. This option is not selected by default.
  13. Optionally, enter a comment in the Comment field.
  14. Click Add.

    A confirmation message is displayed.

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