Setup Gateway

This screen allows you to add the topology type you selected in the previous screen.

Add Hub

  1. From the Choose devices drop down, select devices that are part of a group. You can also search for the devices or groups in the list by typing the name in the input field.
    You can only select the devices that are part of a group.

  2. After selecting a device, you are required to choose the following options
    1. Choose Devices - Choose devices from the drop down list.
    2. WAN Interface - From the drop down list, select WAN Interface.
    3. Primary Gateway - Enter the primary gateway in the text box.
    4. Secondary Gateway - Enter the secondary gateway in the text box.
    5. Local IKE ID Criteria - Click the radio button to choose from Firewall ID, IPV4 Address, Domain Name, Key Identifier, and Email Address.
    6. IKE ID - This field is auto-populated and cannot be edited.
    7. Protected Networks - From the drop down list, select the network. Click the Edit icon to add or edit Address Object and Group.
    8. Source Address - This option is displayed when Point to Point Topology is selected. From the dropdown list, select the Address Objects. You can add new address object and group. Click the Edit icon to add or edit Address Object and Group.

Add Spoke

  1. From the Choose devices drop down, select groups or devices by checking the box. You can also search for the devices or groups in the list by typing the name in the input field. Click Apply to select the device. The devices that are selected are displayed in a list.
    Hub and Spokes should not have overlapping IP Addresses in any of the fields.

  2. To use the common configuration, click Common Configuration icon.
    After selecting the common configuration, you are required to choose the following options :
    1. Reference Device - From the drop down list, select the reference device.
    2. WAN Interface - Choose WAN interface from the list. The options get enabled only after selecting Reference device.
    3. Local IKE ID Criteria - Click the radio button to choose from Firewall ID, IPV4 Address, Domain Name, Key Identifier, and Email Address.
    4. IKE ID - This field is auto-populated and cannot be edited.
    5. Local Network - Enter the local network IPV4 address.
    6. Check the box to enable or disable auto-increment local network.
  3. To edit the configuration of the device, go to the Action column and select Edit icon.