Create a NSM File System Backup

This section allows to create a NSM system backup manually from NSM GUI.

If NSM GUI is down please refer to Backup/Restore NSM using Safemode to backup the system using safemode.

To create a file system backup manually

  1. Navigate to System | Settings > Schedule Backups > Backups.

  2. Click on Create Backup Now.

  3. Enter a name for the backup in Name text box.

  4. Click Create.

  5. On clicking create a Success message is displayed.

    To create a backup the system needs to reboot and it will take 10 to 15 minutes for the system to be up and running.

  6. Once the system is up and running, login to NSM and navigate to System | Settings > Schedule Backups > Backups and verify the backup is displayed in the list of backups.