Configuring SCEP

SCEP protocol simplifies the certificate issuance process by using a URL and a shared secret to communicate with a PKI.

To configure SCEP

  1. Navigate to Manager View | Home > Global Objects > Certificates.

  2. Click on SCEP on the top right corner.

  3. Fill the below details:

    • CSR List - Select a certificate signing request (CSR) from the list if one has been uploaded.

    • CA URL - Enter the URL of the certificate authority.
    • Challenge Password (Optional) - Enter the password used to authenticate the enrollment request.
    • Request Count - The default is 256.
    • Polling Interval (sec) - The default is 30.
    • Max Polling Time(sec) - The default is 28800.

  4. Click SCEP to apply the SCEP configuration.