Capture Client Protecting Assets with Security Policies

Tenant Token

Tenant Token is required for installation or migration of clients effective Capture Client 3.8.0 release for Windows and macOS. For more information, refer to Migrating Clients Across Regions.

When an existing customer downloads the installer for the latest version, the notifications prompts them to copy the Tenant Token. Customers can copy and download the Tenant Token before proceeding with the installation process.

You can find the tenant token easily from the Management settings as described below.

To find the tenant token

  1. Navigate to Management > Tenant Settings. The Basic Settings page is displayed by default.

  2. Scroll down to view the tenant details including Tenant ID, Name and Tenant Token.

  3. You can copy the tenant token clicking on the copy icon .

SentinelOne token is also displayed here that you can use to facilitate integration with other vendors.

Alternatively you get the Tenant Token option when you click on the Download Client section on the Dashboard page.

Alternatively, to download the Tenant Token file

  1. Click on the respective OS icon on the Download Client Installer on the Dashboard page

  2. The Client Installer page is displayed.

  3. Click on Download Client and Save.

    The configuration file gets downloaded in Zip format, that also includes the tenant token, that is automatically picked during the installation process.