Capture Client Protecting Assets with Security Policies

Creating Static Device Groups

To create a new static device group

  1. Log into the Capture Client Management Console.
  2. In the Scope Selector, select the appropriate tenant in which you wish to create a static device group.
  3. Navigate to Assets > Groups.
  4. Click + at the upper-right corner of table.
  5. Type the Group Name in the field provided.

  6. Select Group Category as Static and Group Type as Device Group .
  7. Click Next.
  8. Select devices from All devices section and click Add.

  9. Review Selected devices section to verify the devices that you want to be part of the device group.

    To remove users from the list, select user(s) and then click Remove.

  10. Click Next.
  11.  Review the summary of the user group being created. You can click Edit to go back to the last screen and modify users of the group, if anything is incorrect.

  12. Click Confirm.

    To review the policies associated with the group, click Take me to policies . You can also configure the custom policies for the group, see Creating Custom Policies for Device Groups. Otherwise go to step 13.

  13. Click Done.