What are the server addresses/ports used to update the McAfee AV client?


What are the server addresses/ports used to update the McAfee AV client?

A notice has been issued for SonicWall Enforced Client's (McAfee and Kaspersky). Please see Notice: End of Support for SonicWall Enforced Client for more information.



What are the server addresses/ports used to update the McAfee AV client?


The McAfee EWS (Email and Web Security) / MEG (McAfee Emaill Gateway) 7.x Appliances must access servers outside of the local infrastructure to obtain the latest updates and query real time databases. To access these update servers and databases, certain ports must be open on the infrastructure firewall.

NOTE: The update servers for MEG 7 are different than those used to update MEG 6.7.2.

The following ports are required to be opened on your firewall for the Appliance to function properly:

MEG 7.6.2 and later:

UseApplication ProtocolTransport ProtocolPortDestinationDirectionNote
Admin UI / onbox quarantine digestSSLTCP10443Your MEG applianceInbound
Anti-virus updatesFTPTCP21ftp.nai.comOutboundFTP uses PASV.
Anti-virus updatesHTTPTCP80update.nai.comOutbound
2nd Anti-Virus Engine/signature updatesSSLTCP443tau.mcafee.com
Anti-Spam EngineHTTPTCP443tau.mcafee.comOutbound
Anti-Spam Rules and Streaming updatesHTTPTCP80http://su3.mcafee.com/su3
OutboundPacket types:
Directory Service (and Active Directory)LDAPTCP389Your directory serverOutbound
Domain Name System (DNS)DNSTCP/UDP53Your DNS serverOutboundUsed for various name resolution, for example McAfee update servers, email delivery, RBL lookup.
Email HybridProprietaryTCP25Your MEG applianceInboundSaaS cloud to appliance for inbound email.
Email HybridSSLTCP443208.65.144.0/21
OutboundSaaS API web service URLs (hybridapi.mxlogic.com).
Global Threat Intelligence (GTI) Message Reputation (TrustedSource)SSLTCP443tunnel.web.trustedsource.orgOutboundGTI lookups use port 443, but they are not HTTPS. Using HTTPS proxy will break the GTI protocol. See KB78732.
Global Threat Intelligence (GTI) File Reputation (Artemis)DNSUDP53Your DNS serverOutbound
Global Threat Intelligence (GTI) FeedbackSSLTCP443gtifeedback.trustedsource.orgOutboundGTI feedback uses port 443, but they are not HTTPS. Using HTTPS proxy will break the GTI protocol. See KB78732.
LDAP (and Active Directory) Global CatalogLDAPTCP3268Your directory serverOutbound
McAfee Quarantine ManagerHTTP
Your MQM serverBidirectional
Secure LDAP (and Active Directory)LDAPTCP636Your directory serverOutbound
Secure LDAP (and Active Directory) Global CatalogLDAPTCP3269Your directory serverOutbound
Secure Web Mail clientSSLTCP443Your MEG applianceInbound
Software updates, for example patchesFTPTCP21ftp.nai.comOutboundUses PASV.
URL reputation database updateHTTPTCP80list.smartfilter.comOutbound
URL reputation lookupSSLTCP443tunnel.web.trustedsource.orgOutboundGTI lookups use port 443, but they are not HTTPS. Using HTTPS proxy will break the GTI protocol. See KB78732.

EWS 5.6, MEG 7.0, MEG 7.5, and MEG 7.6 up to 7.6.1:
UseApplication ProtocolTransport ProtocolPort NumberDestinationDirectionNote
Admin UI / onbox quarantine digest (EWS)SSLTCP443Your EWS applianceInbound
Admin UI / onbox quarantine digest (MEG)SSLTCP10443Your MEG applianceInbound
Anti Virus updatesFTPTCP21ftp.nai.comOutboundUses PASV.
Anti Virus updatesHTTPTCP80update.nai.comOutbound
2nd Anti-Virus Engine/signature updatesSSLTCP443tau.mcafee.com
Anti-Spam EngineFTPTCP21ftp.nai.comOutboundUses PASV.
Anti-Spam Rules and Streaming updatesHTTPTCP80http://su3.mcafee.com/su3
OutboundPacket types:
Directory Service (and Active Directory)LDAPTCP389Your directory serverOutbound
Domain Name System (DNS)DNSTCP/UDP53Your DNS serverOutboundUsed for various name resolution, for example McAfee update servers,
email delivery, RBL lookup.
Email HybridProprietaryTCP25Your MEG applianceInboundSaaS Control Console to appliance for inbound email.
Email HybridSSLTCP443208.65.144.0/21
OutboundAppliance to the SaaS API web service URLs (hybridapi.mxlogic.com).
Global Threat Intelligence (GTI) FeedbackSSLTCP443gtifeedback.trustedsource.orgOutboundGTI feedback uses port 443, but they are not HTTPS. Using HTTPS proxy will break the GTI protocol. See KB78732.
Global Threat Intelligence (GTI) File Reputation (Artemis)DNSUDP53Your DNS serverOutbound
Global Threat Intelligence (GTI) Message Reputation (TrustedSource)SSLTCP443tunnel.web.trustedsource.orgOutboundGTI lookups use port 443, but they are not HTTPS. Using HTTPS proxy will break the GTI protocol. See KB78732.
LDAP (and Active Directory) Global CatalogLDAPTCP3268Your directory serverOutboundAvailable on MEG 7.x.
MQM legacy communication portProprietaryTCP49500Your MQM serverBidirectionalAvailable on EWS 5.6 and MEG 7.0.
MQM communication portHTTPTCP80Your MQM serverBidirectionalCondition applies if your firewall sits between MQM server and the appliance.
MQM communication portHTTPSTCP443Your MQM serverBidirectionalAvailable on MEG 7.5 or later.
Secure LDAP (and Active Directory)Secure LDAPTCP636Your directory serverOutboundAvailable on MEG 7.x.
Secure LDAP (and Active Directory) Global CatalogSecure LDAPTCP3269Your directory serverOutboundAvailable on MEG 7.x.
Secure Web Mail clientSSLTCP443Your MEG applianceInboundAvailable on MEG 7.x.
Software package updates, for example patchesFTPTCP21ftp.nai.comOutboundUses PASV.
URL reputation database updateHTTPTCP80list.smartfilter.comOutbound
URL reputation lookupSSLTCP443tunnel.web.trustedsource.orgOutboundGTI lookups use port 443, but they are not HTTPS. Using HTTPS proxy will break the GTI protocol.

Port list and description:

The following tables display the ports needed by McAfee ePO (ePolicy Orchestrator ) for communication through a firewall:

For the purpose of this article:

  • Bi-directional means that a connection can be initiated from either direction
  • Inbound means the connection is initiated by a remote system
  • Outbound means the connection can be initiated by the local system
ePO 4.6.x and 5.x
PortDefaultDescriptionTraffic direction
Agent-server communication port80TCP port used by the ePO Server service to receive requests from agents.Inbound connection to the Agent Handler and the ePO server from the McAfee Agent.  Inbound connection to the ePO server from the remote Agent Handler.
Agent-server communication secure port (4.5 and later agents only)

Software Manager
443TCP port used by the ePO Server service to receive requests from agents and remote Agent Handlers.
TCP port used by the ePO server's Software Manager to connect to McAfee.
Inbound connection to the Agent Handler and the ePO server from the McAfee Agent.  Inbound connection to the ePO server from the remote Agent Handler.
Agent wake-up communication port
SuperAgent repository port
8081TCP port used by agents to receive agent wakeup requests from the ePO server or Agent Handler.
TCP port used by SuperAgents configured as repositories to receive content from the ePO server during repository replication, and to serve content to client machines.
Inbound connection from the ePO server/Agent Handler to the McAfee Agent.
Inbound connection from client machines to SuperAgents configured as repositories.
Agent broadcast communication port8082UDP port used by SuperAgents to forward messages from the ePO server/Agent Handler.Outbound connection from the SuperAgents to other McAfee Agents.
Console-to-application server communication port8443TCP port used by the ePO Application Server service to allow web browser UI access.Inbound connection to the ePO server from ePO Console.
Client-to-server authenticated communication port8444Used by the Agent Handler to talk to the ePO server to get required information (like LDAP servers).Outbound connection from remote Agent Handlers to the ePO server.
SQL server TCP port1433TCP port used to communicate with the SQL server. This port is specified or determined automatically during the setup process.Outbound connection from the ePO server/Agent Handler to the SQL server.
SQL server UDP port1434UDP port used to request the TCP port that the SQL instance hosting the ePO database is using.Outbound connection from the ePO server/Agent Handler to the SQL server.
LDAP server port389TCP port used to retrieve LDAP information from Active Directory servers.Outbound connection from the ePO server/Agent Handler to an LDAP server.
SSL LDAP server port636TCP port used to retrieve LDAP information from Active Directory servers.Outbound connection from the ePO server/Agent Handler to an LDAP server.

ePO (Ports/Traffic Quick Reference)
ePO Server

Default PortProtocolTraffic direction
80TCPInbound connection to the ePO server
389TCPOutbound connection from the ePO server
443TCPInbound/Outbound connection to/from the ePO server
636TCPOutbound connection from the ePO server
1433TCPOutbound connection from the ePO server
1434UDPOutbound connection from the ePO server
8081TCPOutbound connection from the ePO server
8443TCPInbound connection to the ePO server
8444TCPInbound connection to the ePO server

Remote Agent Handler(s)
Default PortProtocolTraffic direction
80TCPInbound/Outbound connection to/from the Agent Handler
389TCPOutbound connection from the Agent Handler
443TCPInbound/Outbound connection to/from the Agent Handler
636TCPOutbound connection from the Agent Handler
1433TCPOutbound connection from the Agent Handler
1434UDPOutbound connection from the Agent Handler
8081TCPOutbound connection from the Agent Handler
8443TCPOutbound connection from the Agent Handler
8444TCPOutbound connection from the Agent Handler

McAfee Agent
Default PortProtocolTraffic direction
80TCPOutbound connection to the ePO server/Agent Handler
443TCPOutbound connection to the ePO server/Agent Handler
8081TCPInbound connection from the ePO server/Agent Handler. If the agent is a SuperAgent repository then inbound connection from other McAfee Agents.
8082UDPInbound connection to Agents. Inbound/Outbound connection from/to SuperAgents

SQL Server
Default PortProtocolTraffic direction
1433TCPInbound connection from the ePO server/Agent Handler
1434UDPInbound connection from the ePO server/Agent Handler

 See Also:

  • https://kc.mcafee.com/corporate/index?page=content&id=KB66797
  • https://kc.mcafee.com/corporate/index?page=content&id=KB72970&actp=LIST

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