Licenses not synchronized with MySonicWall - resetting the trust


This article explains how to solve the licenses synchronization issue among the SonicWall and MySonicWall.

NOTE: This action requires a device reboot


Sometimes after some configuration or deployment changes, the SonicWall appliance is not trusted from the backend so it can't get the licenses synchronized. This causes a discrepancy between what licenses show in and what licenses the unit itself shows on the licenses or Security Services Page.

Resolution for SonicOS 7.X

This release includes significant user interface changes and many new features that are different from the SonicOS 6.5 and earlier firmware. The below resolution is for customers using SonicOS 7.X firmware.

  1. First of all make sure the License Manager is reachable. You can test it from DEVICE |Diagnostics , select "Check network Settings". Select All from the GENERAL NETWORK CONNECTION & SECURITY MANAGEMENT. Click Test All Selected: make sure everything is responding.


  1. Try to synchronize the licenses by clicking Synchronize button on DEVICE | Settings |Licenses.
  2. If synchronizing does not resolve the issue, go to the Diag page. The Diag page can be reached by typing in the LAN IP of the SonicWall in the browser, with a  IP/sonicui/7/m/mgmt/settings/diag at the end.


  3. Click "Internal Settings"
  4. Before moving to the next step please confirm you have the username and password for to register the device once again.
  5. Click the "Reset Licenses and Security Services Info" button and then click "Exit Internal Settings" at the top of the page.

    • Clear out the browser cache and cookies.
    • Close the browser and launch a new one.
    • Log into the management interface, and click the "Update Registration" link.
    • Insert your MySonicWall username and password.
    • Now check the licenses under DEVICE | Settings | Licenses.
  1. If the licenses still haven't synchronized at this point, then contact technical support to Reset Trust. Once the trust has been reset.

     NOTE: Sometimes a reboot of the SonicWall is needed after the reset of the licenses and security services info.
    The problem should now be resolved. 

    Virtual Firewalls will require a reboot and will require the Serial Number, Authentication Code and Registration Code to be entered.  You may also be prompted to choose between Classic and Policy for Policy Mode Switching.

Resolution for SonicOS 6.5

This release includes significant user interface changes and many new features that are different from the SonicOS 6.2 and earlier firmware. The below resolution is for customers using SonicOS 6.5 firmware.

  1. First of all make sure the License Manager is reachable. You can test it from Investigate |System Diagnostics , select "Check network Settings" from the Diagnostic Tools drop-down menu: make sure everything is responding.
    1. Image
  2. Try to synchronize the licenses by clicking Synchronize button on Manage | Licenses.
  3. If synchronizing does not resolve the issue, go to the Diag page. The Diag page can be reached by typing in the LAN IP of the SonicWall in the browser, with a  /diag.html at the end.


  4. Before moving to the next step please confirm you have the username and password for to register the device once again.
  5. On the Diag Page:
    1. Click the "Reset Licenses and Security Services Info" button and then click "Close" at the top of the page.Image
    2. Clear out the browser cache and cookies.
    3. Close the browser and launch a new one.
    4. Log into the management interface, and click the "Update Registration" link.
    5. Insert your MySonicWall username and password.
    6. Now check the licenses under Manage | Licenses.
  6. If the licenses still haven't synchronized at this point, then contact technical support to Reset Trust. Once the trust has been reset.

    NOTE: Sometimes a reboot of the SonicWall is needed after the reset of the licenses and security services info.
    The problem should now be resolved.

Resolution for SonicOS 6.2 and Below

The below resolution is for customers using SonicOS 6.2 and earlier firmware. For firewalls that are generation 6 and newer we suggest to upgrade to the latest general release of SonicOS 6.5 firmware.

  1. First of all make sure the License Manager is reachable. You can test it from System | Diagnostics, select Check network Settings from the Diagnostic Tools drop-down menu: make sure everything is responding. 

  2. Try to synchronize the licenses by clicking the Synchronize button on System | Licenses.
  3. If synchronizing does not resolve the issue, go to the Diag page. The Diag page can be reached by typing in the LAN IP of the SonicWall in the browser, with a /diag.html at the end. 


  4. Before moving to the next step please confirm you have the username and password for to register the device once again.
  5. On the Diag Page: 
    1. Click the "Reset Licenses and Security Services Info" button and then click "Close" at the top of the page.Image
    2. Clear out the browser cache and cookies.
    3. Close the browser and launch a new one.
    4. Log into the management interface, and click the "Update Registration" link.
    5. Insert your MySonicWall username and password.
    6. Now check the licenses under System | Licenses.
  6. If the licenses still haven't synchronized at this point, then contact technical support to Reset Trust. Once the trust has been reset.

    NOTE: Sometimes a reboot of the SonicWall is needed after the reset of the licenses and security services info.

    The problem should now be resolved.

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