In the persistent landscape where cyberattacks frequently arise from covert phishing campaigns, SonicWall remains dedicated to furnishing actionable insights that enhance the cyber stance of organizations worldwide.

Building upon an exploration of the fundamental triad encompassing people, processes, and technology that presently shape email security, the SonicWall team now presents a closer look into the realm of the “Threat Actors Tackle Box.” This session is poised to unveil the tactics, techniques, and procedures wielded by threat actors, set against the backdrop of countermeasures deployable by administrators and service providers in defense. Audiences are invited to embark on a journey that unveils an engaging cat-and-mouse game, shedding light on the strategic thinking of cybercriminals and their network-targeting maneuvers. SonicWall’s experts will meticulously dissect cyber strategies in a narrative format, with the intent of rendering the content not only enlightening but also interactive. This content offering has been thoughtfully tailored for IT professionals, managed service providers (MSPs), and cybersecurity consultants.

Deploying security solutions on the cloud requires a paradigm shift from traditional on-prem solutions. While many attack vectors are the same, there are new ones that have evolved to specifically target cloud-based services.

Messaging and Collaboration suites are probably the most common Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions in use today. Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace are two of the key platforms that threat actors target. Understanding the additional value that these cloud based Email systems have for threat actors is essential to prioritizing and designing their defenses for today’s threat.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) also has a unique set of challenges related to the cloud. Securing your organizations AWS or Azure resources requires next-gen tools to provide the same level of security as on-prem based workloads.

Join our security experts as we discuss the Cyber Security implications of moving to the cloud, and why you need to bring your own security.

In diesem kurzen Webinar möchten wir Ihnen hilfreiche Tipps geben, wie Sie mit SonicWall Lizenzen und dem Backend System mehr Flexibilität erhalten. Darunter fallen z.B.:

– Geräte-Registrierungen

– Serviceverlängerung

– Laufzeit Zusammenlegungen

– Einstellungen der E-Mail Benachrichtigungen

– Product Claims

und mehr.

Nutzen Sie diesen Webcast, um weitere Vorteile für Sie zu finden.

Os switches ricos em recursos da SonicWall estão à altura do desafio. Vamos olhar mais de perto, junto com a nossa equipe de SE durante a sessão do Cafe Tech de maio

SonicWall’s feature-rich switches answer the challenge. Let’s take a closer look, together with our SE team during the May Cafe Tech session

SonicWall’s feature-rich switches answer the challenge. Let’s take a closer look, together with our SE team during the May Cafe Tech session

SonicWall’s feature-rich switches answer the challenge. Let’s take a closer look, together with our SE team during the May Cafe Tech session

Los switches con amplias funcionalidades de SonicWall responden al desafío. Conózcalos más de cerca, junto con nuestro equipo de sales engineer durante la sesión de Cafe Tech.

NOW ON-DEMAND! Threat actors are more emboldened than ever, pushing effective phishing campaigns at an increasing rate in 2022. Their approach and methods continue to evolve. The crafting of malicious emails to effectively fool users is putting organizations at constant risk of a breach.
Listen to the panel discussion with our security experts to examine real-world examples of sophisticated phishing campaigns that reached users’ inboxes. They will offer insights and advice you want to take to avoid them.


The 2022 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report revealed more than 20,000 Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) were published in 2021, the first time in history that the number of CVEs has passed the 20,000 mark. The most serious of these vulnerabilities, those scored above nine on the 10-point scale, become entry points for cybercriminals, and attackers are increasingly utilizing this means of entry to deploy ransomware and steal data.

Watch now to hear our expert cover:
– Exploited threat vectors and what to look out for
– Critical zero-days used to wreak havoc on businesses and governments
– Actionable insights for you and your organization