Kann Ihre Endpoint-Security-Lösung mit dieser neuen Entwicklung mithalten? Wenn Sie mehr als ein paar Klicks brauchen, um Informationen über den Gerätestatus Ihrer Nutzer zu erhalten, wie können Sie dann sicher sein, dass niemand kompromittiert wurde? Und wenn es doch zu einem Vorfall gekommen ist, wie können Sie sicherstellen, dass Sie schnell genug reagieren?

Seien Sie dabei, wenn Fabian Freundt, unser Experte für Cybersicherheit, über die Verwaltung und Transparenz Ihrer Endpoint-Security sowie über die Herausforderungen spricht, die es angesichts der starken Zunahme an Mitarbeitern, die von zu Hause aus arbeiten, zu beachten gilt.

Is your endpoint security solution able to keep up? If you can’t easily see the health of the endpoints behind each one of your tenants, how can you be sure that one of them hasn’t been compromised? And if it has, how do you know you’ll be able to respond quickly enough?

Join Cybersecurity Expert, Alexis Holmes as he discusses how administrator’s struggle with the visibility and management of their endpoint security posture, especially with the massive work from home movement.

Votre solution de sécurité des terminaux est-elle à même de suivre le rythme ? Si vous ne pouvez pas visualiser aisément l’état de santé des terminaux de vos différents tenants, comment être sûr que l’un d’eux n’a pas été compromis ? Et si tel est le cas, comment être certain de pouvoir réagir suffisamment vite ?

Rejoignez Laurent Meimoun, expert en cybersécurité. Il abordera la lutte des administrateurs en matière de visibilité et de gestion de leur stratégie de sécurité des terminaux, notamment en raison de la vague massive de télétravail.

Companies have had to pivot to remote work policies as quickly as possible, with network security often taking a backseat to business continuity. Now, remote working increasingly looks to be a permanent corporate fixture, with Global Workplace Analytics predicting that up to 30% of the workforce will be partially working from home by the end of 2021. Half-baked security protocols can no longer cut it in this new remote reality.

Securing your IT networks is not just a good business practice; it’s critical for any company looking to stay competitive. Proofpoint reports that 88% of global organizations experienced spear phishing attempts in 2019 — and cyber attackers are continually adapting to the new environment. A comprehensive security strategy is more necessary than ever.

Join this panel of experts as they discuss the most critical vulnerabilities of a newly remote system and how to safeguard against cyber threats:

• VPNs and how to choose the right one
• Threat Hijacking Attacks: what are they and how to protect against them
• Understanding Your Endpoints and building scalable endpoint management
• Making Cloud Security work for your organization

Simon Ratcliffe, Technology Evangelist, Ensono
Stan Davidson, Principal Solutions Engineer, EMEA
Steve Cobb, CISO, OnceSource
Michael Jimenez, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Kemp Technologies

Securing the endpoint is riddled with new challenges as most workforces have moved off premises and face a slew of new threats. Join this panel discussion to hear leading experts and thought leaders share their insights and tips for how companies can protect themselves using both known and newer methods and technology.

We’ll discuss:
– Redefining the endpoint in 2022
– ZTNA and other emerging security frameworks
– The challenge of BYOD devices, IoT devices in the modern workforce
– Evolving strategies to protect the endpoint

Panelists include:
Ateef Mulla, Regional Senior Solution Engineer & Cybersecurity Expert – SonicWall

How many application vulnerabilities does your organization have right now? If you lack critical visibility into your organization’s endpoints, there’s no way to know — forcing you to spend valuable time cleaning up malware infections and educating people on patching.

What if you could direct employees to patch the right applications before they were targeted or hit by a random attack against a common vulnerability. Learn how you can mitigate attacks and greatly reduce your risk?

Is your endpoint security solution able to keep up? If you can’t easily see the health of the endpoints behind each one of your tenants, how can you be sure that one of them hasn’t been compromised? And if it has, how do you know you’ll be able to respond quickly enough?

Join Cybersecurity Expert, Brook Chelmo as he discusses how administrator’s struggle with the visibility and management of their endpoint security posture, especially with the massive work from home movement.

In May 2021, CMIT Solutions of Metrolina was caught in a major ransomware attack against one of their customers. Initially it started with an infected email attachment, but with additional actions it lead to 4000+ attacks on 200+ endpoints and servers in multiple locations.

Join us to hear how CMIT Solutions successfully fought off an advanced attack through the use of security technology and their own individual actions. Listen to what they learned through the experience and what changes they made moving forward.

Hear from Joan Goodchild, Senior Editor, Dark Reading, John Sawyer, Associate Director of Services IOActive, Inc. and Dmitriy Ayrapetov, Vice President Platform Architecture, SonicWall — our panelists will discuss:
• Methods cyber attackers often use to compromise your systems
• Tips to recognize well-disguised malware used in targeted exploits
• Actionable advice on how to respond quickly and effectively to attacks
• Understand how your security operations team can use actionable insight and methods for a quick response

Malware is a lucrative business in which cybercriminals expect a high return for their time and effort in coordinating and launching successful attacks, with a lot of effort being put into evasion of existing security tools.
Hear from IDG and SonicWall as they discuss cybersecurity industry’s pressing issues and trends. Our security experts will share insights about tomorrow’s malware landscape and ways to fight and stop these malware attacks.