Ciberseguridad preparada para la 5RI
Según afirma el futurista Gerd Leonard, “la humanidad cambiará más en los próximos 20 años de lo que lo ha hecho en los últimos 300 años”. Escuche al experto en ciberseguridad de SonicWall Borja de Hoz hablar sobre los efectos de estos cambios sobre la sociedad y las empresas, que han impulsado el desarrollo de una ciberseguridad mejor y más efectiva para hacer frente a los cibercrímenes más recientes y complejos.

Businesses are now spending $170.4 billion on information security annually, according to research from Gartner. Despite this huge investment, IBM’s annual security report found that the average cost due to a data breach rose from $3.86 million in 2020 to $4.24 million in 2021, the highest in 17 years. Headlines call out the latest victims, including some of the world’s biggest corporations. But how can businesses protect themselves when employees are scattered, data is exploding, and devices are proliferating?

In this expert panel, cybersecurity experts will discuss best practices for proactively protecting your organization from the most common threats, and what to do when a breach does occur.

Join us to explore:

— Preventing breaches from external and internal threats
— Tools and techniques for detection and response
— How the speed of response to a breach can minimize its effects
— Adapting breach protection to hybrid work models
— How modern architectures such as IoT and edge affect a breach prevention strategy

Panelists include:
Jeroen Hekelaar, Manager, Solutions Engineering EMEA, SonicWall
Carl Leonard, Cybersecurity Strategist, Proofpoint


Futurist Gerd Leonhard says that “Humanity will change more in the next 20 years than it has in the last 300 years”. Join SonicWall Cybersecurity Expert Neal Lewis to hear about the impacts of these changes on society and businesses, pushing new development of better and more effective cybersecurity to face the newest and most complex cybercrimes.

Futurista e autore tedesco specializzato nel dibattito tra umanità e tecnologia Gerd Leonhard afferma che “l’umanità cambierà di più nei prossimi 20 anni che negli ultimi 300 anni”. In questo webinar, l’esperto di cybersecurity Federico Diamantini illustra l’impatto di questi cambiamenti sulla società e sulle aziende e propone lo sviluppo di una cybersecurity più efficace per affrontare i più recenti e complessi crimini informatici.

Der Zukunftsforscher Gerd Leonhard ist sich sicher: „Die Menschheit wird sich in den nächsten 20 Jahren mehr verändern als in den letzten 300 Jahren“. Erfahren Sie von dem Cybersecurity-Experten Fabian Freundt von SonicWall mehr über die Auswirkungen von 5IR auf die Gesellschaft und die Unternehmenswelt und wie bessere und effektivere Cybersecurity-Lösungen Sie vor den neuesten und komplexesten Cybergefahren schützen können.

Futurist Gerd Leonhard zegt dat “de mensheid in de komende 20 jaar meer zal veranderen dan in de afgelopen 300 jaar”. Sluit u aan bij SonicWall Cyberbeveiligingsdeskundige René Bos om te horen over de gevolgen van deze veranderingen voor de samenleving en het bedrijfsleven, en om aan te dringen op de ontwikkeling van betere en doeltreffender cyberbeveiliging om de nieuwste en meest complexe cybercriminaliteit het hoofd te bieden.

Selon le futurologue Gerd Leonhard, « l’humanité va davantage changer dans les vingt ans à venir qu’au cours des trois cents ans passés. » Rejoignez Laurent Meimoun, expert en cybersécurité SonicWall, pour analyser les impacts de ces changements sur la société et sur les entreprises, qui appellent le développement d’une meilleure cybersécurité, plus efficace pour affronter les cybercrimes de demain les plus complexes.

The growing number of cloud services available in most organizations enable fast time-to-market for productivity and collaboration tools, but the easy availability of these capabilities can pose significant security risks for organizations.

Join SonicWall and Osterman Research as they collaborate to help you understand the current threats landscape and the best practices to protect against phishing, ransomware, email fraud

We will cover the following:
•Major concerns and issues with SaaS adoption
•What to look for in a CASB solution
•Overview of SonicWall Cloud App Security

Join us for an informative webcast between SonicWall and SentinelOne, two pioneers in the network and endpoint security space. They will give a live demonstration of two different attack vectors in action to demonstrate the abilities of modern endpoint security solutions.

In this webcast you’ll learn:

• How to stop threats that travel through the network without a file
• How to cut out a common attack method that takes advantage of the good Samaritan in your office
• Best practices for network security hygene to sanitize traffic before it gets to the endpoint

Key elements of the E-rate program.
The E-rate program is a complex and critical process for many K-12 organizations and institutions.
E-rate expert Holly Davis highlights key elements of the E-rate program to help you navigate the process.

In this second episode of our E-rate series, you will learn about:

•Filling cycle
•Eligible Services List (ESL)
•470 and 471 forms
•Rules of the program

Watch the entire video series for valuable insights to help you confidently approach E-rate funding.