How to Add a SonicWall Security Appliance to the SSO Agent Software?


How to Add a SonicWall Security Appliance to the SSO Agent Software?


Use these instructions to manually add a SonicWall security appliance to the SSO Agent (Single Sign On) if you did not add one during installation, or to add additional SonicWall security appliances. To add a SonicWall security appliance, perform the following steps:

Additional Info: For instructions on installing and Configuring SSO Agent software refer to KBID 5949: Configuring the SonicWall SSO Agent Software.

Step 1 Launch the SonicWall SSO Agent Configurator.

 ImageStep 2 Expand the SonicWall Directory Connector and SonicWall SSO Agent trees in the left column by clicking the + button. Right click SonicWall Appliances and select Add.

 ImageStep 3 Enter the appliance IP address for your SonicWall security appliance in the Appliance IP field. Enter the port for the same appliance in the Appliance Port field. The default port is 2258. Give your appliance a friendly name in the Friendly Name field. Enter a shared key in the Shared Key field or click Generate Key to generate a shared key. When you are finished, click OK.

ImageYour appliance will display in the left-hand navigation panel under the SonicWall Appliances tree.

ImageEditing Appliances in SonicWall SSO Agent

You can edit all settings on SonicWall security appliances previously added in SonicWall SSO Agent, including IP address, port number, friendly name, and shared key. To edit a SonicWall security appliance in SonicWall SSO Agent, select the appliance from the left-hand navigation panel and click the edit icon above the left-hand navigation panel. You can also click the Edit tab at the bottom of the right-hand window.

Deleting Appliances in SonicWall SSO Agent

To delete a SonicWall security appliance you previously added in SonicWall SSO Agent, select the appliance from the left-hand navigation panel and click the delete icon above the left-hand navigation panel.

Modifying Services in SonicWall SSO Agent

You can start, stop, and pause SonicWall SSO Agent services to SonicWall security appliances. To pause services for an appliance, select the appliance from the left-hand navigation panel and click the pause button . To stop services for an appliance, select the appliance from the left-hand navigation panel and click the stop button . To resume services, click the start button .

Note: You may be prompted to restart services after making configuration changes to a SonicWall security appliance in the SonicWall SSO Agent. To restart services, press the
stop button then press the start button.

For Instructions on Configuring Single Sign-On on the SonicWall Security Appliance refer KBID 5952 - SonicOS: Configuring Single Sign-On on the SonicWall Security Appliance with SonicOS Enhanced.

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