SonicOSX 7 NSv Getting Started Guide for Azure

Product Matrix and Requirements

The following table shows the hardware resource requirements for the SonicWall NSv virtual machines.

Product Models NSv 270 NSv 470 NSv 870
Maximum Cores1 2 4 8
Minimum Total Cores 2 2 2
Management Cores 1 1 1
Maximum Data Plane Cores 1 3 7
Minimum Data Plane Cores 1 1 1
Network Interfaces 2 4 8
Supported IP/Nodes Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Minimum Memory Required 2 6G 8G 10G
Minimum Hard Disk/Storage 35G 35G 35G

On NSv deployments with Jumbo Frame support enabled, the Minimum Memory requirements are higher. This increases TCP performance. See the Memory Requirements on NSv with Jumbo Frames Enabled vs Disabled table that follows.

Memory Requirements on NSv with Jumbo Frames Enabled vs Disabled
NSv Model Minimum Memory – Jumbo Frames Enabled Minimum Memory – Jumbo Frames Disabled
NSv 270 10G 8G
NSv 470 14G 10G
NSv 870 18G 12G

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