SonicOSX 7 Getting Started Guide for NSsp 15700

Table of Contents

SonicOSXBasic Configuration

Use the following steps to complete a basic system configuration.

  1. Navigate to POLICY | Rules and Policies to create security rules for handling traffic. There are no default rules, so no traffic can be passed until rules are created.

    Without policy rules, the SonicOSXonly allows management traffic on X0 or the MGMT port. No other traffic is allowed until policy rules are created by the administrator.

  2. Navigate to NETWORK | System > Interfaces to configure the X1 WAN interface.
    • Static – Configures the appliance for a network that uses static IP addresses.
    • DHCP – Configures the appliance to request IP settings from a DHCP server in the network.

    WAN connectivity is needed for product registration and licensing. Be sure to configure DNS for the WAN interface.

  3. Configure the administrator username and password.

    Ensure to use the new password if you have updated the default password.

  4. Connect the X0 interface to your LAN network and connect X1 to the Internet, as described in Connecting LAN and WAN Interfaces.
  5. Register SonicOSX as described in Registration and Licensing.
  6. For network configuration considerations, refer to Network Configuration.