SonicOS 8 Monitor

Table of Contents

Display Options

Customize the Events log to display as many or few columns that meet your needs.

To select which columns to display:

  1. Navigate to MONITOR | Logs > Threat Logs.
  2. Click Grid icon . The Grid Settings dialog displays:

  3. Select the items you want to appear as columns in the Threat Log.

    Category Name Column
    Timestamp Time
    Application Application
    URL Rating
    URL Severity
    User Name User Name
    Threat Virus
    Time Start Time
    Last Updated
    IP Address Initiator IP
    Responder IP
    IP Protocol Name
    Port Initiator Port
    Responder Port
    Country Initiator
    FileName FileName
    Capture ATP Action
    Interface Initiator Interface
    Initiator Interface
    BWM Inbound Priority
    Outbound Priority
    Statistics All Counters
    Initiator Bytes
    Responder Bytes
    Status Flow Status
    Blocked Reason
    Policies Security Rule
    NAT Rule
    Init Route Rule
    Resp Route Rule
    Decryption SSL Rule
    Decryption SSH Rule
    DoS Rule
    MAC Init MAC
    Responder MAC
    Miscellaneous Initiator Gateway
    Responder Gateway
    Initiator VPN Name
    Gateway VPN Name
  4. When done, click Apply to preserve any changes or click Restore Default to revert back to the default settings.