SonicOS 7.0 Device AppFlow

Other Report Settings

The options in the Other Report Settings section configure conditions under which a connection is reported. This section does not apply to all non-connection-related flows.

  • Skip Reporting STACK Connections — If enabled, the firewall does not report all connections initiated or responded to by the firewall’s TCP/IP stack. By default, this option is enabled.
  • Include Following URL Types — From the drop-down menu, select the type of URLs that need to be reported. To skip a particular type of URL reporting, uncheck (disable) them.
  • This setting applies to both AppFlow reporting (internal) and external reporting when using IPFIX with extensions.
  • Gifs (selected by default) Jsons
    Jpegs (selected by default) Css
    Pngs (selected by default) Htmls (selected by default)
    Js Aspx (selected by default)
    Xmls Cms
  • Report DROPPED Connection — If enabled, connections that are dropped because of firewall rules are not reported. This option is enabled by default.
  • Enable Geo-IP Resolution — Enables Geo-IP resolution. If disabled, the AppFlow Monitor does not group flows based on country under Initiators and Responders tabs. This setting is unchecked (disabled) by default.
  • If Geo-IP blocking or Botnet blocking is enabled, this option is ignored.
  • Disable Reporting IPv6 Flows (ALL) — Disables reporting of IPv6 flows. This setting is enabled by default.

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