SonicOS 7.1 Firewall

ICMPv6 Traffic Statistics

icmp Traffic Statistics
This statistic Is incremented/displays
Connections Opened When a connection is opened.
Connections Closed When a connection is closed.
Total ICMPv6 Packets With every processed ICMPv6 packet.
Validated Packets Passed When a ICMPv6 packet passes checksum validation (while ICMPv6 checksum validation is enabled).
Malformed Packets Dropped


  • ICMPv6 checksum fails validation (while ICMPv4 checksum validation is enabled).
  • The ICMPv6 header length is calculated to be greater than the packet’s data length.
Average ICMP Packet Rate (Packets/Sec) The average number of ICMPv6 Packet Rate per second.
ICMPv6 Floods In Progress The number of individual forwarding devices currently exceeding the ICMPv6 Flood Attack Threshold.
Total ICMPv6 Floods Detected The total number of events in which a forwarding device has exceeded the ICMPv6 Flood Attack Threshold.
Total ICMPv6 Flood Packets Rejected

The total number of packets dropped because of ICMPv6 Flood Attack detection. Clicking on the Statistics icon displays a pop-up dialog showing the most recent rejected packets.

To clear and restart the statistics displayed, click Clear Statistics icon.

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