SonicOS 7.0 Security Services Administration Guide

Viewing Signatures

You can change the POLICY | Rules and Policies > App Control | Signatures display through the various Viewed by options, which include Signature, Application, and Category.

App Control Advanced

This View Style Has this option Which displays all
Category All (default) Categories and their signature applications
Individual category Signature applications for the specified category
Application All (default) Signature applications associated with the specified category or categories
Viewed by Signature Signature applications associated with the specified category and the signatures associated with the application
Application (default) Signature applications associated with the specified category or categories
Category Categories or the category specified in the Category View Style

You can also display the App Control Signature Settings dialog for a particular signature by entering its ID in the Lookup Signature ID field after clicking the Lookup Signature ID icon.

Click any blue Application or Signature Name entries to view information on the App Signature Details dialog.

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