Secure Mobile Access 12.4 CMS Administration Guide

Table of Contents

Generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

To generate a certificate signing request

  1. If you want to use wildcard names in the certificate, select Allow wildcard names.

    Using wildcard names can reduce the number of alternative name entries in the certificate. However, it may cost more to get the certificate signed by a Certificate Authority (CA).

  2. Select the managed appliances in the table with the missing certificate names.
  3. Select the GTO Services names to be included in your certificate request.

  4. Click Generate Certificate Names.

  5. Review the Certificate information to ensure that all expected Subject Alternative Names (SANs) are included in the certificate signing request. Add any missing SANs to the list.

  6. Click Save Certificate Signing Request to save the CSR.

  7. Submit the CSR to a third-party Certificate Authority.

  8. When you receive the signed certificate from the Certificate Authority, import the certificate. (See Importing SSL Certificates for more information).