SMA 10.2 Getting Started Guide for ESXi

Installing SMA 500v for ESXi

You can deploy an OVA file using the vSphere client that comes with ESXi. For vSphere, point your browser to your ESXi server, and click Download vSphere Client.

To perform a fresh install of the SMA 500v for ESXi using the vSphere client

  1. Download the OVA file (similar to the file name format:

    sw_smavm_eng_10.X.X.X_10.X.X._p_XXsv_XXXXXX.ova) from MySonicWall to a system that is accessible to your ESXi server.

  2. Launch vSphere and use it to log on to your ESXi server.

  3. From the Home screen, click the Inventory icon to display the virtual appliances running on your ESXi server.

  4. To begin the import process, click Actions and select Deploy OVF Template.

  5. On the Source screen of the Deploy OVF Template window, under Local file click Choose Files and then select the OVA file to import or type the URL of the OVA file. Click Next.

  6. In the Select name and folder screen, verify the information about the selected file. Change the default virtual machine name to a friendly name of your choice, click the location you would like to install this virtual machine. To continue, click Next.
  7. In the Select a compute resource screen, verify the destination compute resource for this operation. Then, click Next.
  8. After validating your settings, you can Review details. If all checks out, click Next. Click Back if you would to make changes.

  9. In the End User Product Agreement screen, read the agreement, and click I accept all license agreements. Then, click Next.
  10. If using ESXi4, in the Disk Format screen, select either Thin provisioned format or Thick provisioned format. Thick provisioned format allocates the maximum storage space on disk immediately, while Thin provisioned format allocates a small amount immediately and allocates extra storage as needed, up to the maximum.

If using ESXi5, in the Disk Format screen, select:

  • Thick Provision Lazy Zeroed - Thick provisioned Lazy Zeroed format allocates the maximum storage space on disk immediately, but the blocks are not actively zeroed out.
  • Thick Provision Eager Zeroed - Thick provisioned Eager Zeroed format allocates the maximum storage space on disk immediately and all allocated blocks are immediately zeroed out. Eager zeroing is slightly faster than Lazy zeroing because it does not have to periodically zero out blocks when more storage is needed.
  • Thin Provision - Thin provisioned format allocates a small amount immediately and allocates extra storage as needed, up to the maximum.

  1. In the Select networks screen, map the networks used in the OVF template to networks in your inventory.

  2. In the Ready to complete screen, review and verify the displayed information. To begin the deployment with these settings, click Finish. Otherwise, click Back to navigate back through the screens to make a change.

  3. When the deployment is completed, click Finish in the Deployment Completed Successfully dialog box. The name of the new SMA 500v for ESXi appears in the left pane of the vSphere window.