NSM Closed Network Feature Guide

UI Conventions

When acquiring devices for management and reporting, the Status option uses colored icons to indicate the various states of the devices being monitored and managed.

Status Icon Definition
Indicates that a process is in progress. In some instances, specific details are provided: for example, Requesting Licenses.
Indicates that a process has completed successfully. May provide a message indicating success or something with more detail.
Indicates that a task is in process or pending the completion of another task. The message Pending is usually displayed, as well.
Indicates a potential issue. Messages provide additional detail to help you resolve the issue.

Indicates an error. Additional information may be provided via an information icon. Click the icon or mouse over it to see the message.

Indicates an alert.
Indicates the device is online.
Indicates the device is offline.
Indicates the device is unmanaged.
Indicates the device is managed.
Indicates that Zero Touch Connection is disabled for a device

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