About Network Security Management

NSM Views

Network Security Manager organizes its workflows into modes or views. When you first log in, the default view is the Manager View. The view is indicated in the header at the top of the window. The key tasks for managing your networking infrastructure are organized into this view. You have options across the top of the window and commands in the left-hand command menu.

Depending on the tasks you choose to perform, you may be sent to another view to access the commands for those tasks. For example, if you want to look at a specific device and make changes, navigate to HOME > Firewall > Inventory and click the device you want to update. You are taken to the Firewall View. This displays the options and commands available to you.

The following table describes all the views and how to access them:

Interface View How to Access the View
Manager View This is the default view when you log into NSM, and you can perform or initiate most management functions in this view. Click to return from another view and switch to Manager View.
Firewall View Use this view to manage individual devices. Navigate to HOME > Firewall > Inventory and click on the device you want to manage to go to Firewall View.
Group View  Navigate to HOME > Firewall > Groups and click on the group you want to view or change. From this view you can monitor and modify groups of devices that you have defined within your infrastructure.
Template View Navigate to HOME > Templates and click on one of the templates in the table. From this view you can modify or define all the parameter needed for a device template.

Navigation between the views is an out-and-back model.

When you go to another view from the Manager View, you have to come back to Manager View clicking before going to something else. For example, you cannot go to Template View from the Firewall View.

After going into a new view, additional options are displayed across the top of the screen. These include HOME, MONITOR, and so forth. You can select one of the options from across the top of the page, which then displays the associated command options in the left command menu.