About Network Security Management

Managing the Alerts

The Notification Center provides some basic tools for accessing and managing the list of alerts. In the section beneath the summaries, you can filter, acknowledge or delete alerts.

  • To sort the alerts, click the alert types at the top of the Notification Center. The type you selected is then displayed in the list.
  • To search by firewall name, alert name, message or details, click in the Search... field and enter the information you want to search. As you type, the list of alerts narrows to meet the criteria. Clear your search by clearing the search field.
  • To mark a single alert as read, Click the white check mark at the top of the list to acknowledge all the alerts as having been read. You can also click the yellow icon pertaining to each alert to acknowledge them.
  • To delete a single alert, click the Delete icon on each alert. To delete all the alerts in the view, click the Delete All Alerts icon at the top of the list.
  • To close the Notification Center, click the X at the top.