You can generate the Capture Client token using MySonicWall API key.
To generate Capture Client token using MSW API key
Get your Capture Client tenantId (ProductGroupID) using the MSW API Key.
You can find the ProductGroupID for Capture Client on the MySonicWall Swagger page under General category with API call, GET
Get an access code for your tenant using the MSW API Token and the tenantId (ProductGroupID).
Replace the tenantid with ProductGroupID you received in step 1 and replace YOURAPIKEY with APIKEY generated according to Generating MSW API Key in the below curl example.
Curl-based example: curl -X POST -d "{\"tenantId\":\"YOURTENANTID\",\"tileName\":\"ISNSMSAFEENABLED\"}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-API-KEY: YOURAPIKEY"
The generated access code is valid only for 5 minutes.
Generate the Capture Client API Token using the access code.
Sample API call: POST