Mobile Connect for macOS 5.0

Using the connect Command

The connect command is used to easily establish VPN connections. Connection information can be embedded in the URLs and they can be provided to users for easy setup and configuration. In addition, a callback URL can be provided that Mobile Connect opens after the connection attempt is completed, making it possible for other applications to initiate VPN connections in a seamless manner.

Syntax for connect

mobileconnect://connect[/]?[name=ConnectionName|server=ServerAddress] [&Parameter1=Value&Parameter2=Value...]

Command parameter Description
name The unique name of the VPN connection entry that is created and appear in the Mobile Connect Connections list. Mobile Connect accepts the name only if it is unique. Letters are case sensitive.
server The domain name or IP address of the SonicWallappliance in which you wish to connect. For example:
username Optional: The username used in the VPN connection.
password Optional: The password used in the VPN connection.
realm Optional: The realm used in the VPN connection profile. Applies to SMA 1000 Series connections only.
domain Optional: The domain used in the VPN connection profile. Applies to SMA 100 Series and Firewall connections only.
sessionid Optional: The session ID or Team ID used for authentication.
connect Optional: If presented and the value is non-null, the connection is initiated if the profile was successfully added.
callbackurl Optional: The callback URL is opened by Mobile Connectafter the connect command has been processed. See Using the callbackurl Command Parameter for full details of callbackurl syntax and options.

Examples of the connect command






mobileconnect://connect?name=SMA%20Connection& &username=test&password=password&domain=LocalDomain

mobileconnect://connect?name=EX%20Connection& &username=test&password=password&realm=Corp