IT teams can use their own scripts to install Capture Client on endpoints; SonicWallCapture Client is compatible with this method of provisioning.
To install Capture Client, open the Command Prompt with Run as administrator and run the command:
For Windows: C:\>msiexec /i "Sonicwall Capture Client.<version>.msi" tenantToken=<> /qn
Alternatively, you can also use this command without passing the Tenant Token parameter, if the Tenant Token is already downloaded on the same location of the client installer.
The Tenant Token can be downloaded from the Dashboard Page under Download Client Installer. For more information, refer to the Protecting Assets with Security Policies guide on Technical-Documentation.
Where <version> is replaced with the appropriate version number and the Tenant Token must be added to the command where indicated. The tenant Token can be found in Management > Tenant Settings.
Capture Client 3.8.0 does not support installation in the command line mode, for macOS.
For more information on Tenant Token, refer to the Protection Guide, on Technical-Documentation.