SonicWall Multicast Zone.


SonicWall Multicast Zone.



How does the SonicWall Multicast Zone work?


The multicast zone is a special zone of SonicWall firewall. Its security type is 'Untrusted' (effectively equivalent to the WAN Zone in terms of trust). It also has very unique characteristics. Firstly, multicast zone can only be a destination zone. The reason for this is because a mulicast address ( to normally should never be a source address, only a destination address. Secondly, security services are not configurable on the Multicast Zone

The default rules from other Zones to the Multicast Zone are as follows.
TrustedAnyAnyIGMP (Group)AllowAllow IGMP queries, reports, and other messages from any source in this Zone.
TrustedAnyAny or SpecificAnyAllowAllow Multicast data stream from any source in this Zone.
EncryptedAnyAnyIGMP (Group)AllowAllow IGMP queries, reports, and other messages from any source in this Zone.
EncryptedAnyAny or SpecificAnyAllowAllow Multicast data stream from any source in this Zone.
UntrustedAnyAnyIGMP MembershipAllowAllow only IGMP membership query messages from this Zone.
UntrustedAnyAnyIGMP (Group)DenyDeny IGMP queries, reports, and other messages from any source in this Zone.
UntrustedAnyAny or SpecificAnyDenyDeny Multicast data stream from any source in this Zone.
PublicAnyAnyIGMP MembershipAllowAllow only IGMP membership query messages from this Zone.
PublicAnyAnyIGMP (Group)DenyDeny IGMP queries, reports, and other messages from any source in this Zone.
PublicAnyAny or SpecificAnyAllowAllow Multicast data stream from any source in this Zone.
WirelessAnyAnyIGMP MembershipAllowAllow only IGMP membership query messages from this Zone.
WirelessAnyAnyIGMP (Group)DenyDeny IGMP queries, reports, and other messages from any source in this Zone.
WirelessAnyAny or SpecificAnyDenyDeny Multicast data stream from any source in this Zone.

Note: 1. These defaults can be changed as needed. For example, the "Allow Multicast data stream" rules can be made more specific by creating a service (e.g. UDP port 8898) for your specific multicast data.
2. Disabling Multicast on the 'Firewall > Multicast' page will delete all default Multicast rules, even those that have been modified from their default settings.
3. User created Multicast rules will be hidden from the 'Firewall >Access Rules' page if Mutlicast is disabled, but they will not be deleted.

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